Today , yesterday (don't you hate it when your planned computer time just doesn't happen?), Heidi posted my
Fairy Tale Favorite Things Christmas Wish List on her
SurLaLune Fairy Tales Blog and the first two items had something in common: they're both by the amazing
Benjamin Lacombe*.
If you don't know who this artist is, this is the best way I can think of to introduce you to the wonder that is Benjamin Lacombe.
Just have a look at this amazing book trailer, which is for the second "most wanted" item on my wishlist:
The book is a brilliantly realized and beautifully printed pop-up and although there isn't a whole lot of text, you really don't need it (which is extra fantastic if you don't know much French). Take a closer look at some of the pages.
Peter Pan |
Bluebeard |
Mr. Lacombe is not only talented in illustration, he writes, was very particularly involved in the process of creating the cut outs and design for the pop-up and if I understand correctly, he was not only intimately involved in planning and designing the animation for the trailer, he even tried his hand at the actual animation himself (with amazing results!). It helps, of course, that he's obviously very drawn to fairy tales and even his other illustration that isn't based on fairy tales still has a fairy tale feel to it. I haven't found anything he's illustrated I don't like yet. :)
Red Riding Hood |
Thumbelina |
I'll write more about his many talents and the variety of his work another time but for now you may have noticed I wrote this amazing book is not Number 1 on my list but Number 2.
Because Mr. Lacombe has also illustrated his own version of "Blanche Neige" (Snow White), which has been on my must-have-as-soon-as-possible list since I first saw it and has been my number one wish item for the entire year...
Amazing, no? And the cover has this illustration wrapped around it.
Although Snow White (or Little Snow White) has been a favorite tale of mine since I was small (for different reasons at different times) it's not the only reason I'm drawn to this book. Wait until you see how Mr. Lacombe handled the telling (showing) of the story and oh-so-familiar scenes and you'll see why. This beautiful book is something even those skeptical about the Snow White tale seem drawn to.
I will (hopefully!) add another post just for this amazing book tomorrow (also known as the very next time I get some computer time to put the finishing touches on my post and make it live!). Stay tuned!
*Yes! Benjamin Lacombe IS on Facebook (that's where the link goes). And you get to see lots of lovely previews and extras if you 'like' his page. :)