S.L. Hennessy, writer of the informative, encouraging and entertaining writing blog Pensuasion is writing about fairy tales every day for 26 days. It's a daily blogging challenge she's taken on, in which the blogger chooses their own theme to post on and, lucky for us, she chose fairy tales. I really enjoy her writing. She obviously enjoys the tales and researches and writes enough to inform without overwhelming but also enough to give her unique perspective on the tales for those of us already in the know. It's been a lovely daily check-in point and she's very kindly given me permission to repost a preview/teaser of her writing every day remaining during the challenge. Thank you Ms. Hennessy (and yay for us)!
So first, let me catch you up, since I didn't find her until day 'H' and it's now day 'K'... I'm posting her ABC's with a screen cap 'teaser' so you can get a taste. Each ABC title links to her original post for that letter/entry so you can keep reading.
(A for Hans Christian Andersen, B for Brothers Grimm and C for Charles Perrault...)
and today (actually yesterday, Saturday)...
I'm very much looking forward to seeing where she goes with her fairy tale alphabet. Click on the mini-bio below to find out more about this writer and check out her blog.
And now I feel like I should make an A-Z fairy tale list of my own...
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