If you read any other fairy tales blogs (which we dearly hope you do! They are all unique treasures!) you will know how much all of us committed fairy tale folk love this project and heartily lend support whenever we can. For a cliff notes version (ie. short but highly informative) of the team behind Erstwhile and just what these comics are - and why they're worth your time - Fairy Tale Fandom has a nice write-up and tribute HERE.

The comics and volumes are largely a labor of love so each collection (volume) has been helped into existence by way of a Kickstarter fund and Erstwhile 3 is doing the same. This time around they've gotten extra creative with their supporter rewards too.

There is just 28 days to go, (at this writing) with just under $4 000 of the goal (of $15 000) remaining, so you have just a few weeks to snag some exclusives and be part of history.

The stories in Erstwhile 3 will include:
- The Singing Springing Lark
- King Thrushbeard
- The Wolf & the Man
- The Twelve Huntsmen
- Sweetheart Roland
- The Ungrateful Son
- The Leftovers
- The Wolf & Seven Kids
- Mother Holle
- The Golden Key (exclusive to the book)

You can check out the comics on the web for yourself HERE, to find out even more about this wonderful long term project. We're sad to hear this is the end of the series but the world of fairy tale appreciation is wider and more informed due to theses women's amazing work.
Hats off to you Ladies!