The whole story of
A Steampunk Retelling of Grimm's Jorinde & Joringel
In V parts with Epilogue"
is now available for
FREE download & distribution
at the Supernatural Fairy Tales website.
Please note: if, when you click on the cover image at Supernatural Fairy Tales, a blank page opens and no document appears or downloads, try returning to the site and 'right-clicking' (or holding down the CNTRL button, then clicking) on the cover image and selecting 'SAVE LINK AS'. It should bring up a box with 'cages.pdf' already typed in the SAVE AS area. Click SAVE and it will download automatically after that. If you're still having problems accessing it, email me at fairytalenews AT gmail DOT com and I'll send it directly to you as soon as I see your mail.
Please feel free to download, copy and distribute the PDF to anyone you think will enjoy it.
[If you have any questions about the story, the short series podcast or the PDF, please don't hesitate to email me at fairytalenews AT gmail DOT com]
A Steampunk Retelling of Grimm's Jorinde & Joringel
In V parts with Epilogue"
is now available for
FREE download & distribution
at the Supernatural Fairy Tales website.
Please note: if, when you click on the cover image at Supernatural Fairy Tales, a blank page opens and no document appears or downloads, try returning to the site and 'right-clicking' (or holding down the CNTRL button, then clicking) on the cover image and selecting 'SAVE LINK AS'. It should bring up a box with 'cages.pdf' already typed in the SAVE AS area. Click SAVE and it will download automatically after that. If you're still having problems accessing it, email me at fairytalenews AT gmail DOT com and I'll send it directly to you as soon as I see your mail.

[If you have any questions about the story, the short series podcast or the PDF, please don't hesitate to email me at fairytalenews AT gmail DOT com]