Thanks to the kind folk at Papaveria Press for generously giving me a wonderful preview of Cabinet des Fées' latest sea-themed anthology of short works and poetry, and allowing me to gift myself with a lovely post on my birthday, in announcing the release slightly early, complete with permission to give you sneak peeks - of my choice! - at some of the wonderful writing!
'Presents' (aka excerpts) are below...
But first a look at the 'greeting' to readers and a list of tales and tellers:

The whole issue is beautiful to behold and the words are captivating too. The editors and team at Papaveria Press have put a lovely combination of art together - of words, images, fantastical tales and personal reflections. It's a very beautiful feather in an already very lovely hat!
Scheherezade's Bequest Volume 1, Issue 2. SOMETHING RICH AND STRANGE: TALES FROM THE SEA called authors to draw from folktales, personal experience, and the vast ocean of the imagination to reveal selkies, mermaids, sea nymphs, the great flood, and more in this wonderful collection of short stories and poems, each one a siren song luring us into the waves. This issue continues our tradition of offering original fairy tales and retellings of the old stories that leave us with a sense of wonder, a sense that something rich and strange is always just around the corner.
There's a wonderful variety in the volume and yet there is a consistent feel of ebb and flow as you read through the various offerings.
Some are amusing (for instance, a trickster Shower Muse), some have a distinctly different premise to the usual mer stories (like the mysterious, fathomless Lake of San Ezequiel, appearing alongside a desert town).
There are turns of satisfyingly happy endings and tragically true endings.
As I mentioned above, I was gifted with choosing some excerpts to share with you and I have to tell you this was more difficult than I at first imagined it would be!
I've finally chosen, in the end to share just a few excerpts to show you the variety of language, since I found it so difficult to choose favorites, as well as a few of the author notes on how they came to be inspired. The author's notes are just as fascinating as the stories themselves!
Please click on the excerpts and selected author's notes to read them full size.
I think you'll be drawn in as quickly as I was and want to keep reading.
And as for a peek at the tales... take a look below:
This is only the beginning of a truly different version of The Little Mermaid, and one you'll love, especially if you love Andersen's tale or any variant of it.
"...people were a bit like fish..." and suddenly I couldn't help but begin to make comparisons myself! This story is the story of a girl and the story of a soul... and fish.
I dearly wanted to show you more, to show you how salt weaves through the life of this seal-woman, her husband and her children but I will leave that for you to discover on your own.
I hope you've enjoyed a special preview of the issue. Thank you again to the folks at Cabinet des Fées for this lovely gift today.