This issue has a new format (i.e. even more gorgeous than before) and awesome prizes to win in a competition that will help children in need. (More about that in a bit.)
If you don't know about this wonderful online magazine, treat yourself and download it (for free). The high quality of the new, original fairy tales editor Claire Massey* chooses and the artists she works with for each issue have to be seen/read to be believed. I have a feeling Claire is actually on the hunt for the next H.C. Andersen or Dickens, with a devious plan to be the one who discovers them first and prints the next generation's favorite new fairy tales!

You can see in this post some examples of the art included in this issue. New art includes papercuts by one of my favorite papercut artists, Oona Patterson, and a silhouette by the amazing Cate Simmons (a.k.a. SteeringForNorth on Flickr), whose work I never tire of featuring. The lovely color illustration is by Samantha Davey, URL unknown sorry!

The magazine continues to be awesome (Issue 4 definitely lives up to the awesomeness), Derian House is money well-donated and the bonus prizes qualify as total awesome-alerts. Go treat yourself and download some awesome for free. And if you've been blessed enough to give a little back, do that too. The awesome factor just might triple itself in your favor.

*Claire Massey is also the author/blogger at The Fairy Tale Cupboard - although a fairly new blog, it's already proven to be an important resource for fairy tale enthusiasts and students alike. You can find it HERE. She's currently featuring Queens of Snow and Ice.