Fashion photographer, Liebovitz, did three series (and a single additional) of photos showing celebrities as Disney characters for Disney's ad campaign for the themeparks for 2008.

You can see more Disney-classics-by-Liebovitz here (please note there are three sets of photos plus an additional single high-rez photo of The Little Mermaid in their archives).

Bruno Vilela, on the other hand, chose to portray the darker side of the tales. He focuses on Alice in Wonderland, Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood (both looking very zombie-like). Click here to see the whole gallery - just click on each photo to go to the next one.

The rather morbid photos of Vilela's dead fairy tale heroines can be found here under 'Bibbdi Bobbdi Boo'.
Somehow, as beautiful as the Liebovitz photos are, they still give me a touch of 'the creepy', though in a different way from Vilela's.