There are lots so let's get right to it:

(While this was in my archives it was also suggested by one of my readers but I can't find the comment to credit her. So sorry!)

(It's not really a fairy tale tee but it instantly made me think of Sleeping Beauty)

(the house is printed on the back of the tee)

(yes, she has a chainsaw
- go see the site if you want a close-up!)

There are a number of sites where you can vote on the t-shirt designs to help get them printed too. Apparently, the popular ones will be put into production as t-shirts for sale to the public, although I'm not completely clear on how best to make this happen. You can always contact the artist/designer directly, if these interest you. I've linked to where you can view and vote.

And if you're looking for more traditional illustrations of fairy tales for your shirts the first place you should check is SurLaLune's CAFE PRESS STORE and SurLaLune's ZAZZLE STORE. There are some slogan and graphic tees here too. My favorites among this additional category (please note they come in many options of tee/shirt styles) are:

(I have a toddler you see and this is SO cute and appropriate for him!)
I had some more commercial ones to show you but the site wasn't working. Please feel free to share your own suggestions in the comments.
NOTE: As usual, please note I am not affiliated with any of these stores or products. I do not receive any commission from any visit to the site or any purchase. These are just items I thought may interest people as fairy tale themed gifts for the Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Yuletide/Holiday Season. :)

Don't forget the "Pursuit of Happiness" Giveaway!
Entries close THREE DAYS on December 20th, so be sure to email me before then.
(Check out yesterday's prize preview post!)