It's here! And it's available in both ebook and paperback.
I can't describe how excited I am about these SurLaLune Fairy Tales Series volumes Heidi has been working on and I know this one is dear to her heart.
She is having a special Beauty and the Beast week on the SurLaLune blog to celebrate and started by giving us a lot of information on what we can look forward to in the book.
Rather than link you to buy directly from here, I know sales from Heidi's links help her fund her research via her affiliate agreement with Amazon so please click through to buy from her blog in particular. I'll just link you to her. :)
Here are some of the book-related posts you will enjoy reading (if you haven't already):
This is all you should need to convince you to order this book ASAP. This collection should make you squeal like it's a fairy tale Christmas.
This post is not to be missed! Here Heidi generously explains her love of Beauty and the Beast, how this love began, how it was nurtured and why she's still fascinated with the tale today.
This post includes details on this new and wonderful resource:
Including both translations felt important, so I gave up 121 pages in Beauty and the Beast Tales From Around the World
to them, 15% of the book. So now they are in one place for comparison and contrast. I even added footnotes to help cross reference the transformation scene in both which is significantly different as I described in my intro.
This post explains the governess mentalities of Madame Beaumont and how, in a parallel to adaptations of tales done for Victorian nurseries, she adapted the story for children's ears.
Then she's also summarized for us her recommended reading if you're studying Beauty and the Beast:
Heidi never fails to be a font of truly amazing resources for serious students, writers and scholars of fairy tales. If you haven't availed yourself of any of the books in her series yet, do yourself a favor and start collecting them.
Here are the covers from the collection to date (and now we can add a Beauty and the Beast volume too).
You won't be disappointed. They are worth every cent!
As a complete aside, don't you think these covers would make an amazing library frieze?
And I cannot wait for The Grateful Dead collection. Check the cover and blurb from the SurLaLune website below. Heidi originally planned to release this one for Samhain/Halloween this year (I know - I'm being TOTALLY greedy right now but this is on my WANT! list..), but that was before her Beauty and the Beast collection was completed. Either way we should see it in the near(ish) future, depending on how crazy-busy Heidi is these days.
In the meantime:
Hint: if you're thinking about expanding your library with this series, you can help encourage and fund Heidi's research by buying via her blog links. Let's help keep this woman writing!