Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Donkeyskin and Her Variants by Jenna Russelle

Happy New Year everyone!

Expect tiny random postings whenever I can manage them, but hopefully more often than the second half of last year. 2011 is already looking MUCH better. :)
(And it would be even better if I could have a computer & internet access of my own again - hint, hint universe!)
Just discovered this rendering of Donkeyskin on Flickr by artist Jenna Russelle. I highly recommend visiting her Flickr site to see the three variants up close (She-Bear, Gold Teeth and Donkey Skin) and a little fun Gold Teeth experiment/sketch she did with gold leaf too. You can jump to the set HERE and click the arrows at the right to see the others.

From the description:
This is one of the illustrations I put up at the Keep 6 Happily Never After show.
Inspired by Charles Perrault's "Donkey Skin." The story varies across cultures but is essentially about a young princess who does not want to marry her father, so she escapes in an animal skin and becomes a scully maid, after which a cinderella type story ensues, involving a tiny ring (not shoe) hidden in food and served to a prince.
Always interesting to see new takes on this story! This is one of the stand out stories from my childhood (and I dearly wish I could find the little book I had then).

You can see more of Ms. Russelle's lovely work on her Flickr site HERE and at her gallery HERE, which includes some nursery rhyme images.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Disney's Vision A Little Tangled Right Now

Last week Disney announced that Tangled (quote) "will be the last fairy tale produced by Disney's animation group for the foreseeable future."

 In other news, (quote) “Tangled” Becomes Disney’s Biggest Animated Opening EVER!"

  Um, hang on a second.  
(sound of giant record scratching to a halt) 
What was that again?

Yes - you read it right (quotes are linked to sources if you'd like to read more). After announcing Disney is "closing the book on fairy tales" (to quote an LA Times headline) their own latest fairy tale effort, Tangled (a retelling of the Grimm's fairy tale Rapunzel) broke all animation box office records (including Pixar's) with their unexpectedly (obviously) giant pre-Thanksgiving opening. Um, yeah...

Women in Hollywood had their own things to say about Disney's swearing-off on fairy tales, though their concern is more about the lack of female-centric films in animation altogether. If you haven't heard, Pixar's first fairy tale film "Brave" (previously titled "The Bear & the Bow",  created and directed - until very recently anyway - by Brenda Chapman) has had a huge amount of controversy for replacing Ms. Chapman. (Look at the number of comments on that exclusive post, let alone what they have to say.) There are many reasons for the outcry, some of which I agree with, but my biggest regret is that the first female-centric-which-also-happened-to-be-a-fairy-tale film by Pixar that was to shake up the girl-needs-boy-for-happiness formula so prevalent in fairy tale movies, is very likely to lose that precious and unique focus. Now that Tangled is looking at success not only in the box office arena but as a serious contender for this years Oscar (only 3 can run this year), how will that affect a) Pixar's Brave and b) the new 'no more fairy tales' policy by Disney Feature Animation?

Something tells me there are a few knots in the company hair that need to be untangled before we can get a straight and solid answer.

For now:   
Long live the fairy tale!


I've been wanting to do an update for a while and know many people are sad the blog is no longer being updated, wondering what happened and did I really get sucked into an abyss somewhere. The answer to the last question is "sort of".

For any who followed the blog regularly you'll know 2010 has been a rough year for me and my family. We've lost jobs, house, had financial issues, health issues (which turned out to be minor, thank goodness!) and problem after problem with computers and other supposedly-necessary equipment, just to keep the pressure on.

Things are not resolved. We're not quite back on our feet and breathing easy yet but we are all together, safe and healthy. I have been offline almost completely for many months this year and no longer have a computer of my own, which makes it very hard to keep up with anything let alone have some sort of online presence and input (especially daily). I do not know when/if I will be able to 'fix' this and currently rely on borrowing a machine and access to do anything online, so I've tossed and turned over what to do.

Here's my decision:

Daily blogging is out of the question for now and the foreseeable future. I hadn't originally planned to blog every day but it happened that way naturally. The problem is now that the expectation is for a daily (at least!) post (a large part of that pressure is from myself, I know) and I simply can't do that.


I've decided I'm keeping the blog going.

I won't be able to do it daily, or even guarantee something every week at this point, but I will post small snippets when the opportunity allows. I'll try not to worry that I'm missing all the good stuff or that I'm letting everybody down. I'll try to be content with my small offerings because I'd rather be a small part of all this than not at all.

I miss the fairy tale community. I miss sharing. I miss touching base with all the tales I know and discovering new variations. Fairy tales inform my life, my creativity and help me cope in my day-to-day with the truths of the stories.

One thing I have achieved is I have managed to run an online urban fantasy chat for writers and readers on Twitter (known as #UFchat) for the last few months. Even when my computer breathed its last and I could no longer check in with the community there I realized people were hungry for discussing the tales, in all their modern guises, and, prompted by the response, found 'work-arounds', both by borrowing machines and access and by allowing people to pitch in and help. It's been tough to keep up. I've had to cancel at embarrassingly short notice more than once but it's happening. You see, urban fantasy has much in common with fairy tales - in many ways it's the modern equivalent - and working on that has brought home to me again how important the tales are. It's also reminded me that there's a reason Once Upon A Blog is important to continue, if I possibly can, both for me and for others.

So I'm going to start posting again at Once Upon A Blog - just here and there and very randomly. I'm going to take it slow and steady, one post at a time, and enjoy whatever wonders of the wood I glimpse along the way. I have faith that things will get better but I'm not waiting any longer till everything is 'better'. If there's anything this year has taught me, it's what's important - family and health are the big ones. Fairy tales are another.

Thank you to those who have sent emails of encouragement and support - I haven't been able to read many of them until recently and won't be able to reply individually at this time, but please know each one has meant so much to me and my family. I thank you for news of fairy tales and various projects and again regret I'm not able to follow through on them all, though I will when I can from now on.

Thank you for your patience, for your enthusiasm for Once Upon A Blog and for loving fairy tales. You've been a greater gift to me and mine than you can know.


NOTE: The lovely images are by French artist Kris Soft, whose website/blog you can find HERE. While Kris Soft does sculpt paper dolls in some of the usual fairy tale subjects (Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood and more) you'll discover an instant fairy tale sympatico in her many unusual and unique characters. They are both evocative of fairy tales and full of feeling, capturing perfectly many of the sentiments I and my family have had over the past many months. Do go browse her blog! I believe you have to contact her directly if you'd like to order any sculptures or prints.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Swan Lake Gets A Dark Makeover in "Black Swan"

The fairy tale ballet Swan Lake gets a seriously dark makeover in the new film Black Swan, premiering at the Venice Film Festival on September 1st. When you read the premise you have to wonder why they haven't done it before.

First of all, this is NOT a film for kids or even many teens. We're talking serious psychological thriller bordering on horror here. It's set in the world of the New York City Ballet company but isn't just a 'rival ballerina meets rival ballerina' plot. In this film reality and fantasy begin to blur until you wonder if there might be more than one way the lead Swan named Nina (played by Portman) is right for the role. A particular scene in which Nina pulls a black feather out of her back raises a ton of questions: Is she under attack by someone? The other ballerina? Her mother? Herself? Is someone manipulating her into thinking she's going crazy? If you know the story of Swan Lake, you'll instantly see how each of these scenarios is a plausible possibility and Director Darren Aronofsky explores them all.
Here's the official synopsis from Rough Cut Reviews:
"BLACK SWAN follows the story of Nina (Portman), a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her retired ballerina mother Erica (Barbara Hershey) who zealously supports her daughter's professional ambition. When artistic director Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Winona Ryder) for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side with a recklessness that threatens to destroy her."

If you Google for information you'll find the big buzz is not only about Natalie Portman's scary and dark makeover (and a controversial kiss scene) but also spotlights Aronofsky (Requiem for a Dream) and his penchant for portraying strong but conflicted women in eerie movies. This film definitely falls into that category. (See HERE for the Times article but be warned - the page opens with a scary image right at the top!)

Natalie Portman is indeed a ballet student and has been working and preparing to make this project a reality for at least the last decade, though I haven't been able to find much information on how much actually dancing she does in the film herself (though you can see her signed pointe shoes used in filming, below). With regard to the traditional Swan Lake dual role of Odette/Odile, which is explored at least in part through the film, it is a principle role and very demanding role.
So make the kiddies leave the room before you watch the trailer below - although you don't really see any violence, some of the images are nightmare-making for little ones (maybe some sensitive big ones too):

It's on my must-see list (combining ballet, fairy tales and psychological twists has me intrigued) but I have no idea how I'm going to see it before my toddler goes to preschool!

The official site is HERE.

The film opens in theaters on December 1st, 2010.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Puss in Steampunk Boots by Matthew S. Armstrong

I'm surprised there aren't a ton more steampunk variations of Puss in Boots around, after all, boots are to steampunk 'almost' what goggles are to steampunk. (ie. iconic)

The title for this piece is "Puss in Steampunk Boots" (aw!) and the artist, Matthew S. Armstrong (also known as 'Matthewart' on deviantArt), wrote a cute caption too:
The classic tale with clockwork ogres and airships. (not pictured) ^_^
I'd definitely pick up that story book! (Hint, hint.)

Matthew S. Armstrong has a very busy career, involved with a wide range of art and subjects in comics, games, picture books and particularly some recent Narnia books (see his Harper Collins Illustrator page HERE). You can see his official site with gallery of different samples HERE. (Be sure to click the 'comics' tab - adorable little stories!)

Matthew's gallery (on deviantArt) concentrates more on the whimsical with picture-book based illustrations (there is some overlap with the website). You can browse and appreciate it HERE and there's a Cheshire Cat too if you love Alice in all her variations.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mila's Daydreams - One Baby's Imagination Brought to Life

Attack of the 50 Foot Woman's Baby

Beware the Super Cute!

Adele Enerson is one creative mama on maternity leave - she's imagining her super-sleepy baby's dreams and bringing them to life long enough to snap a photo. (Magically without disturbing her sleep - how does she DO that? My son was/is totally anti-sleep and has been since day one...)

The awesome (and seriously cute) blog is HERE with the lovely tag line of: "I'd love to see into your dreams, my little one."

Anyway, Adele has kindly allowed people to blog about her project and to post a couple of photos of hers. But that means I had to choose! Ack! there's such a huge variety so I chose a couple of urban legends/mythic heroes (plus the nesting dolls were a must) but you really need to go look at them all - Mila is a little mermaid, Mary with her lamb, bookworm, sitting on Alice's mushroom and much, much more! You'll want to bookmark it too - there's more being added every few days or so.
Her Super Pinkiness

Adele has also put together an FAQ for all the curious (and all the worried) people out there too. A fun and humorous read.

And here's a lovely video, complete with pretty music by Mila's Daddy, Lasse Enersen (oh my goodness could the sweet get any sweeter?):

There's also a recent ABC World News interview on YouTube from August 5th with Adele and Mila (who fell asleep) HERE.

Looks like a book in the making doesn't it? Bring it on - but, don't grow up too fast Mila! Sleep is good!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wolf Women, Deer Girls & Other Animal Spirits Brought to... Hair

What if Goldilocks and the bears weren't as far apart as we first thought?

Being that Rapunzel is so the 'fairy tale girl of the moment' I thought it'd be interesting to look up some art people have made with hair. I found one stunning picture of an 'animal hair hat' that instantly brought to mind tales and legends of women in animal form: fox women (some of my favorite dangerous fairy tale creatures), deer girls, were women of all types, shapeshifters and other 'Beastly Brides'.
It also provoked other questions like the one I wrote above: we know about shapeshifting in tales, they're prolific and we have many wonderful resources available discussing shapeshifting tales, BUT what if the traditional fairy tales (and legends) with animals and people interacting were also viewed through a shapeshifting lens? (A reminder that the new Datlow & Windling anthology The Beastly Bride: Tales of the Animal People was released just a few months ago*. The Fairy Tale Cupboard has a lovely post HERE.)

I did a little investigating to find a) the 'hair hat' was created by well known Japanese artist (and Art Director) Nagi Noda and b) she'd actually created fifteen of them. Sadly, she died in 2008 from surgical complications (initial injuries were from a traffic accident the previous year) at the age of 35 but she left behind a very interesting body of work.
From the archives at CMYKaboom:
Let me tell you a little bit about Nagi Noda. Nagi is a Japanese designer, and dominating nominee for "Person I Would Most Care to be When I Grow Up." An art director who became known for her cutting-edge work in print design, Noda was soon drafted by the big boys, specifically, Nike and the famed Laforet. More recently, Noda has moved into video, where she has proceeded to sweep awards with her music videos and commercials.
Nagi Noda's work is simply stunning: based deeply in surrealism, she makes whimsical works that are as beautiful as they are mind-bending; whether it's costume bags or poodle aerobics or carnivorous flower bunnies. She is also so prolific with these new ideas it is liable to make ones head spin. (FTNH Please note: I had some difficulty with the links but am keeping them in the quote in case they work for you.)

While fashion shoots often get flack for 'artistically bared skin' this is one of those cases in which it makes sense (though it's rarely more than a bared shoulder or two in this case). I also like that some of the models' features match/blend subtly with their animals - beauty in all forms.

The official Nagi Noda website is HERE and you can see some more of her work HERE (and make sure to scroll down to the underground house and the animal shadows).

One more for fun (also a Nagi Noda creation):I like this one for its storytelling. Are we surpressing our inner natures too much? Or is it just as well we try to keep a grip on our wild sides? This is one of the conundrums fairy tales do a great job of exploring and a reason I adore shapeshifter tales.

*You can read the preface to The Beastly Bride anthology HERE.

Sources for images at CMYKaboom and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE. Gorilla hands also found HERE (link also shows a couple of other wild hair sculptures)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Disneyland Is About To Get Hairy

(Yes - it's a preview thanks to Photoshop - not yet built)

Starting October 15 Disney's Rapunzel and Flynn Rider (from the coming-soon-feature-animation Tangled) will be greeting guests at Disneyland Park in Anaheim. According to this announcement HERE, it looks like they'll be meeting-and-greeting in Magic Kingdom in Orlando too. (See the link for details of what's getting bumped to make room for the 'Tangled Experience'.)

From Disney.com's First Look:
Rapunzel will be greeting guests in the location that currently houses Gepetto’s Sweet Shoppe.


We’re sharing a first glimpse of concept art created for Rapunzel’s new meet-and-greet location in Fantasyland. As you can see in the image above, Rapunzel’s 70-feet of golden locks will drape luxuriously around the room. Flynn Rider, Rapunzel’s love interest, will also be on hand to meet and greet guests throughout the day.
What? No hair salon? ;)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wall Street Cyclops by Charles Santoso

Well? How do you think a cyclops would adapt to life in the fast lane? Now I've seen this, I kind of wish they were real... Think I might suggest this concept to my urban fantasy writing friends. I'd love to see what other improvements (aka damage - depending on where you're standing) he would do.

Created by the very talented Australian illustrator Charles Santoso who has a wonderful blog HERE and can be followed on Twitter HERE. Every one of his pictures seems to tell a story (often with a little wink and a nod). His style if wonderfully appealing and there's quite a bit of myth and folktale thrown into his work too so be sure to have a good browse.

Via the always-awesome Super Punch.

Furniture & Home Goods for Colussus (and other Giants)

Did you know local Los Angeles giants (as in ogres and their kin) actually have someone making furniture for them? Well sort of. I'm sure Robert Therrien would be surprised if Jack's nemesis appeared at the workshop and ordered a set of replacement plates but at least he could fulfill the order and keep a troublesome customer happy!
The Los Angeles based artist creates over-sized (REALLY over-sized) plates, tables, chairs, pots and pans and more (which make for awesome photos ops!). You can see more images HERE.

The image above gives me instant Jack and the Beanstalk recall.

From an older exhibit reviewed by Absoluetartsnews.com:

The Los Angeles County Museum of Art – LACMA – presents the exhibition Robert Therrien from February 20 through May 7, 2000. Robert Therrien features six major sculptures, most done within the last five years. Among the newer motifs included in the exhibition are a spiral of fifteen beds, a stack of giant plates and bowls, and three 15-foot fake beards that hang on their stands from armatures that would encircle a monumental pair of ears. A further selection of two- and three-dimensional pieces in a variety of media illuminates the artist’s unique method of developing and recycling imagery.

Did you see the note about the 15 FOOT BEARDS?! This is a guy homo-gigantor-sapiens must love (sorry - not sure of the actual Latin classification of giants). It probably comes as no surprise to learn Mr. Therrien's first exposure to art was comic books. There's an awesome article on him and his wonderful art HERE.
On a related note, looks like some messy teenage giants have been roaming Venice and leaving their chewing gum behind them... (See HERE for some more great - as in both giant and cool - pictures like the one below).
Anyone noticed how we sometimes find evidence of giants (footprints, chewed gum etc) but not the actual giants themselves? Methinks giants must be super-stealthy!