Saturday, June 2, 2012

TV Special on ReelzChannel TODAY: Snow White & the Huntsman: A Twisted Tale

Late notice, sorry, but I just found out it's running again today.

Reelz Channel has a decent half hour special on the making of Snow White and the Huntsman. I caught it this morning and it is worth watching if you like Snow White or are curious about aspects of this fairy tale movie. It's possibly the best special on this available at the moment, apart from the pre-released featurettes (I do hope they include it on the DVD/Blu-ray but it's unlikely). 

There are the usual/fun movie-behind-the-scenes bits as well but they do discuss the Grimm's Little Snow White and dealing with classic imagery and characters (and there's more of a peek at Snow White as a child and also her mother, which I don't think I've seen before).

There's more info HERE but if you're interested don't dally too long - it starts in a few minutes!

Quick - go record!

FT Blog Alert: Cate R Fricke's "Something To Read For the Train"

Crown by Trina Schart Hyman
I found Cate's Twitter and blog while doing some quick research on Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Red Riding Hood Redux hitRECorderly project (posted on HERE a couple of days ago) and quickly realized Ms. Fricke is one of our own (ie. a fairy tale person), though the Trina Schart Hyman image (above) she uses for her Twitter account should have been a huge clue. ;)

Here's a quick sampling of recent blog posts by her:

There are many more. Those a just a recent few and not all by any means, so check out Something To Read For the TrainYou can subscribe so you don't miss any fairy tale goodness. And don't forget to follow Cate on Twitter for notices of fairy tale news happenings as well. :)

The Magic Swan Geese (1949)

 I recently came across this darling little Russian fairy tale film, "Гуси Лебеди" (roughly translated as "Geese Swans") made in 1949. Although the animators have clearly seen the Disney films made up to that point there's a lot in here that Disney wasn't doing at the time as well.

The film is completely charming and a real pleasure to watch. It's extremely well crafted with what can only be described as "genuine" quality to it. The fairy tale aspect is very clear with this feeling of a storybook coming to life (I didn't realize it was a fairy tale film when I started watching but quickly realized it must be). One of my favorite fairy tale characters, Baba Yaga, makes an appearance too. Of course. ;)

Here's a brief synopsis of the fairy tale The Magic Swan Geese that the film is based on:
A couple left their daughter in charge of her younger brother, but she lost track of him, and the magic swan geese snatched him away. She chased after him and came to an oven. It offered to tell her if she ate its rye buns; she scorned them, saying she doesn't even eat wheat buns. She also scorned similar offers from an apple tree, and a river of milk. She came across a little hut built on a hen's foot, in which she found Baba Yaga with her brother; Baba Yaga set her to spin flax and left. A mouse scurried out and said it would tell her what she needed to know if she gave it porridge; she did, and it told her that Baba Yaga was heating the bath house to steam her, then she would cook her. The mouse took over her spinning, and the girl took her brother and fled.
Baba Yaga sent the swan geese after her. She begged the river for aid, and it insisted she eat some of it first; she did, and it sheltered her. When she ran on, the swan geese followed again, and the same happened with the apple tree and the oven. Then she reached home and safety.
While the film doesn't follow this plot exactly, much of it is similar. Enjoy!

PS There's an interesting little side journey into Russian film music that includes information on this film HERE. If you're interested in these tales or Russian fairy tale animation I recommend it. It has links to some other treasures too, most notably this little film here. (TWELVE BROTHERS/WILD SWAN alert!)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Release Day: "Snow White and the Huntsman"

Snow White and the Huntsman is officially in theaters!

Today is the day and this is the big weekend that will have movie executives everywhere poised in making their fairy tale movie/series decisions for the immediate future. Let's hope, for the sake of fairy tales everywhere, that this film is the fairest of them all - in the business sense at the very least (although I'd dearly love to just see a truly fantastic mainstream fairy tale film).
Rather than repost all the shots you've seen before I thought it might be nice to concentrate on something we haven't seen a whole lot of in the movies promotion; that is, The Enchanted Forest. (And yes, it does appear that there is quite a Willow influence but I also agree that's not a bad thing - not at all.)
For those who want the links to all things SWATH here are a few to get you going:
And here's a smattering of early reviews (beware of spoiler possibilities in these!):
One thing all of these (and other less notorious review sources) seem to agree on is that it's beautiful to the point of, at times, visually stunning (and that includes the non-favorable reviews). I'm very curious to see what the public overall think.
Interview Magazine, on newstands June 5th, features Kristen Stewart and Charlize Theron on the cover as well as a goth glam photoshoot and lengthy interview of them both. You can see the photos from the shoot HERE, though they're not at all fairy tale related. This excerpt from Ms. Stewart's part of the interview sheds a little light on why she was drawn to the character of Snow White:
"There's so much that Snow White has been deprived of in terms of having the proper time to really develop and hone who she is. She's put in jail at the beginning of her life, so she's a stunted person. She has a really idealized concept of what the world is, and how people should live, and how wonderful things all can be, and there is this debilitating isolation that she feels because she has been locked away in a little cell for seven years. And I can kind of relate to that. There is something . . . It's not the reason that I wanted to do the movie, but the fans and people who loved Twilight, they do put you on this sort of different plane where you're not real," explains Stewart on getting to live the role of Snow White.
In the meantime, first reports are proving mostly favorable and positive, even with regard to Kristen Stewart playing her role, which so many have been (justifiably IMO) concerned about. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how the symbolism is laid in through the costumes, sets, props and especially how they handle telling the familiar story. 
I detect a "Legend" moment!
I must admit, though, the one non-fairy tale aspect that has me curious: How are they going to make Kristen Stewart be "fairest" (ie obviously more so than Charlize Theron) without going down the 'Queen reverts to/shrivels to old crone' fallback? 
What aspects are you most curious about with regard to how they handled the fairy tale?
French poster for Snow White and the Huntsman
Note: I don't know why but the poster at the head of this blog post doesn't look professionally done to me. Very odd.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman Pinterest Challenge

Tomorrow (just a few hours away) is release day for Snow White and the Huntsman. It's a pretty big day for the fairy tale community and for those who love the Snow White tale in particular. Both Heidi at the SurLaLune Blog and at Megan at The Dark Forest blog have posted on why it's such a big deal so I won't repeat it all (just go read the wonderful posts) but suffice it to say: 
This is THE big fairy tale feature film of 2012 across the board.
(Pixar's Brave will be really big too but that's specifically aimed at families, this one is 'mainstream')
How the press and public react will have an effect on fairy tale things to come in the immediate future.
(And yes - we really, really hope it's good!)
In the meantime, for those like me who won't get a chance to be part of the theater-going/merchandise-buying hype you can still participate. If you're on Pinterest there's a competition which may just be up your alley (and it's free to enter!). The deadline is June 4 so there are a few days still left to enter. Here are the rules:
If you do enter, please leave a link to your board in the comments. We want to see your fairy tale inspirations!

hitRECorderly Issue #1: "Little Red Riding Hood Redux"

I can't say too much except that if you are interested in what artists in all fields today are doing with fairy tales AND if you're specifically interested in Red Riding Hood, go grab a copy of this new magazine/record-ly (category currently undefined) NOW - before the 2 000 copies sell out!

Here's a little promo video by Joseph Gordon-Levit, posted yesterday, which I suggest you watch all the way through despite it appearing quite rough at the outset. You'll understand why I'm keeping this post uber-short and hurrying to give you the opportunity to grab a copy for yourself.

Here's the official blurb:

Subscribe to the hitRECorderly here:
Look what I just got my hands on --- the very first issue of The hitRECorderly, our brand new subscription series!
"Little Red Riding Hood Redux" is our inaugural issue and I'm really proud of this gorgeous full-color book the hitRECord community and I have created together. I really love when the stuff we work on together becomes a physical record. 
This book we made is based on an adaptation I did of the original Brothers Grimm fairytale (which is sexist as all fuckin hell!) Our version's got a different take on the story and we've packed this book with feminist essays and various reactions to the new tale. 
I loved JulesKD's "But What If I Want To Be Eaten?" record so much I just had to do a little reading of it in this here video. :o) 
You gotta hurry and order your copy as these are a limited edition run of 2,000 so get it while the getting's good! 
Single copies are available in The RECord Store for $20, but you'll save cash by subscribing to The hitRECorderly and you'll get a new issue every season! 
You can subscribe here:

Thanks Again!
Go here and order: 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quick Blog Update & Brief Notes on Mozart's "The Magic Flute"

Papagena by Erin Kelso (aka Bluefooted on deviantArt)
 Why have I been so quiet on the blog? We've had a few rather stressful things come up, the major one right now being that we have to move before the end of the month and, due to various other emergencies (like cars insisting on retiring and furry kids needing surgery, we haven't yet found anywhere. (Eek!)
Papagena by Anne Smith
So I am splitting my time between doing a lot of driving, a lot of searching and spending a lot (a lot!) of time on the phone (my ear folds are hurting!). Any down time goes to "toss or pack" so I haven't had much time to blog. I have found, however, that Pinterest is REALLY easy to explore and play around with while being put on hold or when telling the 40th person the same information. Again.

So the Once Upon A Blog boards on Pinterest have expanded quite a bit over the past few days and there's plenty of luscious new fairy tale-like images to explore now. I've added some more tale-specific boards, expanded the ones already there, expanded the creature/folk boards and added two more fashion-focused boards, but with a twist. They are "Dressing the Seelie Court" and "Dressing the Unseelie Court" - a fun theme I haven't seen people do yet. (I've also added some "peoples of the world boards" - I'm so inspired to see the environments tales and variants come out of!) There are so many awesome fairy tale themed boards on Pinterest, including by readers of this blog and other fairy tale bloggers, I try not to replicate what others are doing too much and hopefully you'll discover some new and fun things there, as well as discover more fairy tale people too.

Papageno by Kurt Wenner
It's actually been good visual therapy for coping with the current argh! here so if you'd like a hit of delectable fairy tale visuals feel free to visit. You can find the Once Upon A Blog Boards HERE.

I'll do my best to keep blogging when I can (I have so much I want to blog on!) but I'm guessing posts will remain light to scarce over the next few days - at least until we secure a place to go. For some reason, trying to find a place is like a fulltime job with extra duties this time round.

Wish us luck and good fortune would you?

PS Heidi: I COMPLETELY relate to your wish for a Baba Yaga house-on-legs right now!

Papagena by Hans Reiser
PPS In case you didn't get the hint, one of the new boards is for The Magic Flute - a fairy tale opera story I can't quite believe hasn't been tackled by mainstream filmmakers (Lotte Reiniger and Kenneth Branagh being the exceptions - anyone seen the 2006 Branagh film set during WWI?).

So much good stuff in that tale. It's been called Mozart's Wizard Of Oz (re quest, fantasy and individual character trials) so you may find some interesting parallels if you're not already familiar with it.

Personally I think it could use a lush animation treatment.

A Very Different "Mirror Mirror" Review

Maharani Gayatri Devi - in a Bollywood piece
While "Mirror Mirror" is being received fairly well, I've seen more criticism than appreciation, the main feeling that there is an overall blandness to the retelling, despite the lush design.

Here is a completely different review by Tyler Cowen (and it's so short I will include it all, but be sure to go read the many comments made in response on the linked site):
Not often does Hollywood put out movies romanticizing tyrannicide and the assassination of foreign leaders of friendly countries, in this case India.  Julia Roberts is the wicked Queen, witch, and false pretender, but actually the stand-in for Indira Gandhi, with an uncanny resemblance of look and dress in the final scene (I wonder if anyone told her?).  This movie presents a romanticized and idealized version of how her assassination should have proceeded and should have been processed, namely in a triumphal manner with no reprisals but rather celebration and joyous union and love.  As the plot proceeds, you will find all sorts of markers of Sikh theology, including numerous references to daggers, hair, mirrors, water, immersions, submersions, bodily penetrations, transformations, the temple at Amritsar, dwarves who enlarge themselves, and the notion of woman as princess, among many others; director Tarsem Singh knows this material better than I do (read up on Sikh theology before you go, if you haven’t already).  The silly critics complained that the plot didn’t make sense, but from the half dozen or so reviews I read they didn’t even begin to understand the movie.
Without wishing to take sides on either the politics or the religion, I found this a daring and remarkable film.  The sad thing is that no one is paying attention.
You can read the article and the comments HERE.

Interestingly he's not the only one who's made the connection. This article HERE lays out the parallels step by step. The article is titled (It breaks the parallels down step by step and has images to boot.)

It may seem simplistic when put like this but if Director Tarsem Singh was indeed making such a statement then they may be a lot more to this movie than meets the eye.
Maharani Gayatri Devi

Indira Ghandi
Please note: I have not verified the facts as they're presented in either article. I'm just very interested in the idea that a fairly modern day Indian princess and ruler can be so closely compared to Snow White.

I'm not planning on discussing politics on my blog, nor can I make any sort of proper assessment of this parallel but it is an interesting one.

Though I don't know enough about Indira Ghandi or Gayatri Devi to make any sort of comment on their assessments, I know enough to understand how Mr. Cowen and the other blogger, whose name I can't confirm, have made the connection.

 After waning interest in seeing this film, my curiosity is once again piqued...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Fairy Tales by Vinicius de Moraes Pereira

The Girl Who Trod On A Loaf
Unfortunately there isn't much information about this Brazilian illustrator which is a shame as there is some really nice work here and I'd love to help him become more known. Mr. Pereira (aka ViniWolf) has a very nice gallery on CGPortfolio and it includes some beautifully - and differently - done fairy tale illustrations.
The Emperor's New Suit
These paintings are, however, new - uploaded on February this year, so I'm hoping we'll see more from him soon. It appears as if he's working on a Hans Christian Andersen project for a Brazilian editor (a magazine?) for this series. Quite an unusual set of tale choices.

The Little Mermaid

You can find more of his work HERE.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Sunset Boulevard and Snow White

 With so many discussion of Snow White the tale, Snow White adaptations and retellings and Snow White on film, I thought it was a good time to post briefly on the connection I see with academy award winning film Sunset Boulevard.

It was Willa: An American Snow White that made me click to the connection. Being set in the theater with a beautiful but aging star in the role of the queen and an up and coming talented actress as Snow White (Willa) it wasn't too much of a jump to take the comparison to the movie business.

Since the connection occurred to me I can no longer see the classic Sunset Blvd without thinking of it as "the tale of the unfortunate huntsman-prince". If you keep Snow White in mind as you watch Sunset it's not too much of a stretch to consider it a Hollywood noir version of the Wicked Queen's story, as told through the eyes of the huntsman/prince (who becomes collateral damage). Although Gloria Swanson doesn't play a parent, she is a film role-model (both on-screen and off) for the wanna-be stars of the next generation and is as removed from, and aloof toward them as any self-involved queen could be.

Just as Snow White seems to be a definitive film in cinema history due to it's strong motifs/imagery and dark vs light character and story elements, so too, Sunset Boulevard can claim the same. It seems we continually return to this type of tale to define key times of both success and a (usually tragic) "changing of the guard", when one era and generation give way to the next.

The quote below further strengthens the connection to the darker, more unapologetic variants of Snow White for me:
Film writer Richard Corliss describes Sunset Boulevard as "the definitive Hollywood horror movie," noting that almost everything in the script is "ghoulish." He remarks that the story is narrated by a dead man whom Norma Desmond first mistakes for an undertaker, while most of the film takes place "in an old, dark house that only opens its doors to the living dead." He compares Von Stroheim's character Max with Erik of The Phantom of the Opera, and Norma Desmond with Dracula, noting that, as she seduces Joe Gillis, the camera tactfully withdraws with "the traditional directorial attitude taken towards Dracula's jugular seductions." (source)
Now Neil Gaiman's Snow, Glass Apples, which doesn't change too many of the key elements of the tale at all despite the use of "the living dead" and other vampiric elements, seems even more natural of a retelling, doesn't it?

Ironically, this tragic character who's inevitable downfall we watch and can sympathize with, is probably more true to the tale than most happily-ever-after versions, since it gives an indication of the fall-out that can occur when a queen loses her throne. While the prince character has no chance of happiness with the rising star he's fallen in love with, like the fairy tale, we do see the beginning of the queen's dance in red hot iron shoes at the close of the film. Her delusions continue to a mental cracking of her inner mirror so reality and fantasy are no longer separated. All this is revealed, as is her crime, under the hot, hot spotlight of a ravenous news crew and police escort. She both gives herself up to her deserved fate and gives herself over to her consuming madness in her final famous line: "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up." 

In true Hollywood style, she ensures her image is the one that will never be forgotten. Snow White - and every other hopeful - don't stand a chance.

I could make further parallels but it's probably best, considering the iconic nature of the film, to let you find your own unique connections to Snow White. I bet you'll find more than a few. Take a look at the plot HERE with this in mind. You'll see what I mean.
This poster, which everyone says captures the spirit of Norma Desmond and the driving force behind the story, reminds me of Medusa - another tale about being trapped by beauty and the power in reflection.