Friday, November 8, 2019

#Folktaleweek Picks of Day 4: "Smoke"

IG @suwin.chan
We are just over halfway through a week of discovering folktales and fairy tales and new ways of looking at old ones. All the #FolktaleWeek and #FolktaleWeek2019 info is HERE. The link shows the hashtag and you can see an enormous sampling of the myriad mediums and styles being created in. (Prepare for lots of scrolling! There are hundreds of wonderful things to see!) You can also see a small selection of the MANY posts that have appeared for each day so far:
Monday      - HOME HERE
Tuesday     - SECRET HERE
Wednesday - PATH HERE
Today's prompt is SMOKE.

Note: We were expecting lots of little pigs with smoking wolves, caterpillars talking to Alice, firebirds, houses in the wood with smoking chimneys and genies in lamps. While there were some of those, some folks seem very inspired by older folktales from Africa and Native America, while others turned to the Wild Swans and the princess tied to the stake with the nettle shirts. The tales that were familiar had different interpretations (eg Cinderella with her fire) which was refreshing too.

As a reminder, we chose for different styles, unusual scenes of known tales and most often, lesser-known tales wonderfully done.

Enjoy - artist credits, and any pertinent notes made by them for their work, are below each image.
IG @spittypt
Artist comment: N/A
IG @feliciaolin
Artist comment: So for #folktaleweek2019 #folktaleweek #smoke .... well, I kinda just made my own ending to #littleredridinghood inspired by midsommar (I wont spoil it) and the ending of Heather's.
IG @taranealarts
Artist comment: Day 4 of #folktaleweek is #smoke and I have chosen the climactic scene from the Six Swans where a woman is told she can return her six brothers from the curse of being turned into swans if she sews them jumpers out of aster flowers and does not speak or smile for six years. She is being burned at the stake for her abnormal behavior on the final day of her silence by the wicked witch (who is also responsible for cursing her brothers) when the swans fly in, receive their jumpers, and are revived, freeing everyone - yay! This would have been a good story for the “secret” prompt, but it was surprisingly hard for me to find a good “smoke” folktale. .
IG @sianillustrates
Artist comment: SMOKE//#folktaleweek .....’His plumage was beautiful, his song glorious, and his flight was like the flashing of the light...’ (Hans Christian Andersen)
IG @marketastengel
Artist comment: day 4 SMOKE 💙 - Kaguya-hime the Moon Princess and a burning elixir of immortality on the top of Mount Fuji. From a Japanese folktale The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter.
IG @lillalero
Arist comment:  Day 4- SMOKE-
IG @papersilhouette
Artist comment: Folktale Week Day 4: Smoke! - This is an imagined moment of the folktale, The Heavenly Maiden and the Woodcutter, where the woman trapped on Earth by her woodcutter husband takes small moments like these to remember her home and family in the skies, here she imagines them in the smoke of her kettle.
IG @farrell_annemarie
Artist comment: The prompt for day four is #SMOKE. Today’s tale is a love story set in a curio cabinet(with a verrry tenuous link to smoke). She was a beautiful little Shepherdess, he was an angel-faced Chimneysweep. Enter the porcelain Chinaman who considers himself the Shepherdess’ grandfather.(think less avuncular and more control freak). He doesn’t approve of their romance and tries to thwart the lovematch and make the Shepherdess marry someone else. Drama ensues but all ends well for the two little figurines... I love a happy ending! 🥰
IG @ayukotanaka
Artist comment: Day4 - the prompt ‘smoke’ - My illustration for the fourth day of #folktaleweek is from ‘Sleeping Beauty’. While his father burns all the spinning machines, a good fairy casts a spell to save the princess’s life - not let her die but let her sleep for 100 years- A sad day for the kingdom🔥
Artist comment: N/A
IG @amva.creations
Artist comment: Day 4 of #folktaleweek2019: smoke. Cinderella's just come home from the ball, and can't think of anything else than dancing with the prince. Her stepsisters suspect that something is up when they see her completely lost in a daydream, not paying attention to the fire at all.
IG @loni.planet
Artist comment: FOLKTALE WEEK 2019 - A ROMANIAN FOLKTALE – 4. SMOKE -After days, weeks, and month of walking through destroyed and snowy landscapes, the friends reached a clearing, where the smoke of freshly charred trees snaked through the branches. The dragon couldn’t be far. Her friends were worried about her because her leaves were discolored and some even fell to the ground. But she was determined to set the sun free at all costs.
IG @inky.daze
Artist comment: Day 4 is ‘smoke’, which ended with a quick little hellhound.The first couple of linocuts I did when getting back into printmaking were hellhounds, so this was neat to do and really makes me want to do a large detailed piece soon.
IG @ceecliff_art
Artist comment:  SMOKE leads to fire. Day 4 of #folktaleweek2019 I found an Inuit story about a cunning coyote who stole fire from the Skookums (a big foot type of creature and they were the only ones who had fire). To avoid capture by the Skookums, the coyote passed the fire from animal to animal like a baton in a race. A team effort by a diverse group—I love that. You can swipe to see the animals enjoying the fire.
IG @kathwaxman
Artist comment: Folktale Week 2019, Prompt 4: Smoke - This story, called How Beaver Stole Fire, is from the Myths and Legends of the Pacific Northwest (where I live), specifically told by the Nez Perce tribe. - Pine trees held the secret of fire and would not share it. After a particularly cold winter, a council of animals was held to steal fire from the Pine trees along the Grande Ronde River. Beaver sneaks into the council and steals an ember and that is how fire was shared amongst the animals and other trees. - When designing the composition, I referred to Molly Bang’s wonderful book called How Pictures work. It helped inform decisions of size and placement that I hadn’t really considered. Most of work is just intuitive so I think I need to keep pushing this!
IG @annisafadlila
Artist comment: N/A
IG @paululadesign
Artist comment: "...until she looked like a strange bird, and no one would have been able to recognize her. Then she walked out of the house. - Underway some of the wedding guests met her, and they asked, "You, - Fitcher's bird, where are you coming from?" -"I am coming from Fitcher's house." - "What is his young bride doing there?" - "She has swept the house from bottom to top, and now she is looking out of the attic window." Finally her bridegroom met her. He was slowly walking back home, and, like the others, he asked, - "You, Fitcher's bird, where are you coming from?" - "I am coming from Fitcher's house." - "What is my young bride doing there?" - "She has swept the house from bottom to top, and now she is looking out of the attic window." The bridegroom looked up. Seeing the decorated skull, he thought it was his bride, and he waved a friendly greeting to her. - After he and all his guests had gone into the house, the bride's brothers and relatives arrived. They had been sent to rescue her. After closing up all the doors of the house so that no one could escape, they set it afire, and the sorcerer, together.
IG @nanofevrier
Artist comment: Day 4 "Smoke" -I couldn't really think of any folk tales I know for this prompt so I did a research and ended up reading this strange tale: "The Dark, or Pitch-Pine, Daughter of the Norse King and How She Thinned the Woods of Lochaber". It involves a Seiðr woman, the daughter of the Norse King, using her knowledge of the black arts for political/economical reason which I thought was an peculiar use of magic. Here she is, setting a Scottish forest on fire, because her people wants to keep the monopoly of the wood trade!  -You can read the whole story on the Exemplore website but here is an pretty terrifying extract "The land was darkened by the smoke which was so thick that the folk could hardly see before them. Ash rained down upon them as the mountainsides, once lush and green with thick ancient forest became a waste of charred tree trunks and scorched earth. The Norse sorceress was so blackened by the smoke and soot of the fiery furnace which surrounded her, she was named "Dark", or "Pitch Pine"."
IG @blu_laura_blu
Artist comment: I went with a slavic tale today, and had loads of fun dressing Death up 🌑🏵️🌑
IG @annifduluth
Artist comment: The prompt for day 4 of #folktaleweek2019 is Smoke. This is one of my personal favorite illustrations of the week.
IG @marjolaineroller
Artist comment: Mummy Bear had prepared #porridge for #breakfast, but it was too hot, so the #threebears decided to have a walk while it was cooling... 🐻🐾☀
IG @mattlyonart
Artist comment: N/A
IG @suetoddillustration
Artist comment: They say "where there's smoke there's fire." Does it follow that the reverse is true? In answer to the prompt, "smoke" for #folktaleweek2019, an #illustration from Medio Pollito, Little Half Chick, a #mexican #folktale I illustrated for @thechildsworld_books .
IG @mono_mono
Artist comment: Prompt No. 4 of #folktaleweek S M O K E. I found a tale from northern germany, the part where I was raised called 'Fru Gode' who rides over towns and villages at night and causes wealth among the folks she was passing 🧡🏡
IG heidi_griffiths_art
Artist comment: Peter Pan and the Darlings escaping the smoky city for Neverland. It’s another one of my favourite children’s books. (& any excuse to draw chimney pots!)
IG @squidneydoodles
Artist comment: 🔥✨Enter the Reign of the Phoenix🔥✨* The Phoenix is a magnificent creature that is as fast as a comet. When the Phoenix passes, a new life is born from its ashes. Through the clouds the Phoenix flies higher into the sky, and illuminates a burst of light through its feathers as it brings a new day.✨*
IG @ashley_mckee
Artist comment: This illustration is based on a Jack Tale called Old Fire Dragaman. A hungry old giant leaves his home in a land of giants in search of an easy snack. For 3 nights he stops by a cabin shared by Jack and his brothers and licks the pot of food clean and lights his pipe with a log.
IG @toriboard
Artist comment: . Prompt: Smoke. - While searching for folk stories of different nationalities I came across some beautiful native American ones and this one stuck out to me. I can't paste the whole story as it's a bit long but I'd encourage anyone to seek out the full thing. It's called: The boy in the land of shadows "And the boy said, “I seek my sister. In the early springtime she  became sick and died, and I am going to the Land of Shadows in the Country of Silence in search of her.” “You must go far inland,” said the skeleton, “and the way is hard to find for such as you.” The boy asked for guidance and the skeleton said, “Let me smoke and I will help you.” The boy gave him the pipe and the tobacco he had received from the old man, and he laughed when he saw his strange companion with the pipe between his teeth. The skeleton smoked for some time and at last, as the smoke rose from his pipe, it changed to a flock of little white birds, which flew about like doves. The boy looked on in wonder, and the skeleton said, “These birds will guide you. Follow them.” Then he gave back the pipe and stretched out again flat upon the sand, and the boy could not rouse him from his sleep."
IG @laure_illustrations
Artist comment: Day 3 & 4: Smoke & Path - The blue light by the brothers Grimm. The story is a bit too long to explain here but do look it up because it involves witches, a dwarf, a well, smoke, wishes, underground paths & treasures, princesses & peas...all the good stuff!
IG @nichtlicht
Artist comment: A smoking sword for day 4: SMOKE - I was inspired by „Vasilisa the Beautiful“ for this one!
IG @sveta_solarni
Artist comment: (auto-translated) Smoke -  Where without the fulfillment of desires by a magic pike)) According to the pike command, in my desire, let the son sleep sweetly all night and see happy dreams)) Damn, but I do not have pikes!
IG @madebysmitty
Artist prompt: Day 4 of #folktaleweek2019! - Prompt: SMOKE - From the tale Vasilisa the Beautiful. - I'm veritably obsessed with Russian folk tales, especially those that include Baba Yaga. - I liked to imagine whilst making this drawing that when Baba Yaga sent Vasilisa home with the fire that reduced her evil stepmother to smoke and ashes, that she also sent Vasilisa home as an initiated Woman of the Dark Arts.
IG @cloverlie
Artist prompt: Day 4: Smoke, ”When Tigers Smoked Pipes” - The title is the equivalent of ”once upon a time” for Korean folktales and I find it infinitely more interesting- a story in and of itself. The tiger is also revered- intertwined in Korean folklore and once thought to ”embody the spirit of the mountains”, recalling a time when they did exist amongst their mountain ranges. I took this pretty literally, imagining the body like a rock face, surrounded by clouds created from the smoke of its own pipe.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

#Folktaleweek Picks of Day 3: "Path"

IG @antje_arning_illustration
What is #FolktaleWeek and #FolktaleWeek2019? You can read all about it HERE and see a sampling of the myriad mediums and styles being created in. You can also see a small selection of the MANY posts that appeared Monday for the prompt of HOME HERE, and many more for the prompt yesterday of SECRET HERE.

Today's prompt is PATH.

Note: For today's prompt we expected lots of Hansel & Gretel, Red Riding Hood, Pied Piper, yellow brick roads, mazes, and fairy tale maps. There were quite a few maps -but all very different, lots of H&G, some LRRH, and lots of characters going through the woods. There were also a few wardrobes, folks following enchanted string or skeins of wool, and quite a few variations on The Cowherd and the Weaver Maiden, which was great to see. 

Again, we chose for different styles, unusual scenes of known tales and most often, lesser-known tales wonderfully done.

Enjoy - artist credits, and any pertinent notes made by them for their work, are below each image.
IG @madebysmitty
Artist comment: Day 3 of Folktale Week 2019! - Prompt: PATH .Have you ever been faced with a time in your life when the path home was as dark as the path away from home?
IG @jillysketches
Artist comment: day 3 - "path" - This is, of course, based on the Town Musicians of Brennan. It was so fun to work on but I'm afraid I went a little overboard and the final product suffers from a lack of focus. It's quite hard to read but at least I had a good time 😂
IG @hollyhallillustrations
Artist comment: Day three of #FolktaleWeek - #Path Padstow in #cornwall, England, holds an incredibly special place in my heart. I’ve been there more times than I can count, have more memories than I can remember and have always loved it there... I’ve even had a pint or two of Doom Bar... but I didn’t know what the ‘doom bar’ was before last month! - The tale goes, that a mermaid once guided ships through a safe path, into Padstow harbour... now this is where the tale gets muddled, but whether a jilted love interest, a survivor of her obsessive love and attempted drowning, or a case of mistaken identity, the mermaid was shot and killed by a sailor... in her rage and betrayal, she sought revenge and cursed the harbour of Padstow with a ‘doom bar’ of sand, that destroyed many a ship. . In my version, she becomes the doom bar herself, forever watching over her beloved harbour 🧜‍♀️ .
IG @theworkbookart
Artist comment: N/A
IG @hannahjdyson
Artist comment: Folktale week Day 3. Prompt was ‘Path’. So... when the full moon arrives the Sugar loaf troll transforms into an owl and is shown the pathway through the woods by his feathered friends 
IG @katie_messenger_illustrat
Artist comment: Folktale week day 3. Third prompt is path. This is Hansel and Gretel, who taken into the woods by their scheming stepmother, leave a trail of breadcrumbs to mark the path home. The birds really really liked this idea. .
IG @segui_le_briciole
Artist comment: [La strada verso casa / The way home]~Folktale Week / day three: path
IG @vikapozum
Artist comment: Day3. „Path“. Folktale rule: you never know what is waiting for you on your way. Just follow the path and let things happen.
IG @toriboard
Artist comment: Day 3 of #folktaleweek2019 prompt: path - I’ve gone for a well known fairytale for this one. I always found the original so sinister so I was trying to capture atmosphere in this one 😊
IG @airedi
Artist comment: Day 3 promt #folktaleweek2019 -Path. This time I decided to illustrate Latvian mithological godess Laima. In folklore she is a godess oh human destiny. And she is the one who makes a decision about the path that a human will go... 
IG @fairydailytales
Artist comment: One of my favorite is a series about an Indonesian favorite trickster “Kancil” (a deer mouse). Running away from her first trick “victim” the tiger, Kancil found herself stuck at the edge of a river that is also a home to a family of crocodiles. More sharp teeth doesn’t scare her. She told the hungry crocodiles that a King is having a party and she was assigned to count how many crocodiles in this river, so that they can share some left over food party for them. Then she asked the crocodile family to line up and let her jump on their back while she counts them. She also made them promised not to eat her, otherwise the king would not know how many crocodiles are there. So that was exactly what the crocodiles did, they lined up neatly while Kancil happily “counting” and hopping from one crocodile’s back to the other until she reached the other side of the river.
IG @annifduluth
Artist comment: The prompt for day three is Path. This illustration is based on a Mi’kmaq story of how the rabbit gave the moon it’s markings.
IG @patzifatz
Artist comment: Day 3 of #Folktaleweek2019! Today's prompt is path. And if you've been following Vasilisia's story (if you haven't. check my last two posts - go on, I'll wait...) ⏳📖⏳ So as I was saying, you know that Vasilisia's stepmother wasn't very fond of her (actually she detested the poor girl). So one night, when Vasilisia's father was travelling for work, she demanded of the girl to go out into the woods and find fire. She basically kicked poor Vasilisia out of the house, threatening to beat her black and blue if she dared return without fire. Being the brave girl that she was, Vasilisia put on her mother's old cloak, hid her little doll in it, and set off. Where exactly she would find fire, she didn't know. When she did step out into the woods however, a moonlit path appeared in front of her, leading her through the trees, deep into the darkness of the forest. And at the end of that path, almost all the way by the snow covered mountains that hid the horizon, there was a little hut. So that's where Vasilisia set off to go, following the path, her eyes set firmly on the hut, her fingers clutching the doll in her pocket, her heart hammering in her chest... TO BE CONTINUED
IG @mello.dee
Artist comment: Third day of the Folktale Week is “Path”🍂🍁🍂 "They had now reached the road which turns off to Sleepy Hollow; but Gunpowder, who seemed possessed with a demon, instead of keeping up it, made an opposite turn, and plunged headlong downhill to the left. This road leads through a sandy hollow shaded by trees for about a quarter of a mile, where it crosses the bridge famous in goblin story; and just beyond swells the green knoll on which stands the whitewashed church." - I always loved the "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" in Disney's and Tim Burton's interpretations, but read this story only this year Autumn. There is a special seasonal atmosphere in it, so the reading was pure pleasure. - Headless horsemen were part of the many cultures storytelling - German, Irish, Scandinavian and English. The famous gothic story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by American author Washington Irving was based on the folktale by German folklorist Karl Musäus
IG @nastiamintwind
Artist comment: Day 3. The path. - A thorny and intriguing journey is to follow the red yarn of your warm pressured heart.
IG @noteswithscribbles
Artist comment: The king hides his children from his new wife so well that he relies on a ball of yarn unwinding through the forest as his #path. I imagined him so desperate to keep every bit of this yarn that he carefully winds it back up as he goes there, and never notices his horse already knows the way. {Ed: Yes! This is The Six Swans! Love that someone used the yarn to follow a path]
IG @mariebllmnn
Artist comment: And the third prompt for #folktaleweek2019 is PATH. I wanted to draw the Rübezahl of germanic, czech and polish folklore. He is a waldschrat (woodwose), a mountain spirit of the Riesengebirge (krkonose mountains). He is described as being ambigous: helping good and poor or lost people, while also being a trickster and revengeful.
IG @curiouszhi
Artist comment: Day 3: PATH - Today's piece is from a Chinese 🇨🇳 folktale "牛郎织女" (Pinyin: Niú Láng Zhī Nü, English: The Cowherd and Weaver Maiden) which is the legend behind Chinese Valentine's Day, also known as Qi Xi Festival. It's about two star-crossed lovers who reunite once a year on a path / bridge formed by magpies in the heavenly skies. - Creative notes: I did a literal interpretation of the 'meeting on the magpie bridge' scene here. Simplified the backdrop to just the moon and clear skies as my original sketch with a bunch of swirly chinese-style clouds got too busy. - Story: A cowherd (Niu Lang) met a weaving maiden (Zhi Nu) who is the daughter of the Goddess of Heaven. They fell in love, got married and had 2 children, all without the knowledge of her mother. When the Goddess found out that her daughter married a mortal, she had Zhi Nu taken back to Heaven. When Niu Lang and the children went to Heaven searching for her (via some magical cow hide 🐂), the Goddess created a giant Heavenly River (aka the Milky Way 😄) in a rage to separate them. However, their love for each other moved all the magpies in the human world so much that they all flew up to Heaven to form this path over the river so that Niu Lang and Zhi Nu could meet on the magpie "bridge". In the end, the Goddess herself was moved and allowed them to be reunited on the magpie bridge on that same day every year (7th day of the 7th month in the lunar calendar - "Qi Xi"). This day is still celebrated as the Chinese Valentine's Day every year. 💖
IG @teacupsandspectacles
Artist comment: Here’s my “path” piece for #folktaleweek2019. Whew! This is far more complicated than anything I’ve ever attempted before! The story Snow White and Rose Red has always been a favourite of mine. Because there are so many locations mentioned, I decided to try a map! It was fun to create the frame/wreath and tie in objects from the story. I also want to live in this cottage — it looks so snug! •
IG @olya.luki
Artist comment: N/A
IG @kolkerpics
Artist comment: N/A
Artist comment: Hello guys! Today is day 3 of #folktaleweek Prompt for today is: PATH - For this topic, I decided on the Slovenian story ''Zvezdica Zaspanka'' -  The Sleepy Twinkle Star.  It was written by Fran Milčinski - Ježek in 1952. It was the first Slovenian radio play and has been performed as a puppet theatre play. Later it was published as a book story. It remains one of the most popular children's stories in Slovenia and it was also one of my favorites when I was a kid and I still love to read it to my kids! I hope you will like my interpretation. I have painted the scene where The Moon sent The Sleepy Twinkel Star to Earth.⭐ ''Twinkle Sleepyhead is the youngest star in the sky. Because she constantly comes late to her work, the Moon sends her to Earth to punish her. She may return to the sky when she proves that she has learned her lesson. '' (Wikipedia)
IG @valeriebentleyart
Artist comment: For #folktaleweek day 3 I chose The Magical Pears, another story from Juan Sauvageau’s, Stories That Must Not Die. If you missed my post yesterday, this book is full of Hispanic folktales from the Rio Grande Valley Region, in South Texas, where I’m from. Today’s prompt was path. In the story 3 brothers head out to take a basket of pears to a king, but only the last boy ends up delivering the intended. For on the path to the castle and old woman curses the first 2 baskets for lying about the contents. 
IG @heycasshey
Artist comment: Day 3 : ➡️ PATH 🔄 For the prompt path I chose another classic from The Brothers Grimm, “The Pied Piper”. We all know it — a greedy piper leads a bunch of mice into a river to drown AND THEN he leads a bunch of kids into a cave and essentially kills them. LOVELY TALE — so I thought I’d wrap it up in a cheerier package!
IG @lou_warwick
Artist comment: Day three of #folktaleweek : PATH. A little map!
IG @amylouillustrations
Artist comment: Day Three : PATH The Pied Piper leading the rats on the path out of the town.
IG @tilsamka
Artist comment: [Ed.: We included Rima Staines' offering as she posted for the event, and is an active folktale artist] Dark Mountain - Rima Staines 2011 - oils on wood - Today's #folktaleweek2019 prompt is PATH. - I find many of my paintings include paths or roads and the many-wheeled and -footed travellers upon them. This painting was done for the Dark Mountain Project back when ecological/civilization collapse was not quite such a openly discussed subject as it is now. - In my imagination this painting is a kind of Pied Piper character leading a raggedy band of misfits down a path into an unknown future, his musical instrument playing a two-way tune...
IG @alexadelaida
Artist comment: PATH 🌲 It's a story, similar to Cinderella, where a girl has to do quite a few impossible tasks to please her step-mother and step-sister. One of them is picking flowers in the middle of winter. While on her journey she meets 12 men sitting around a fire (they keep on reappearing in many Slavic tales) and they help her out.
Artist comment: Day 3: path - Walking by mushroom lake
Ig @putilinakate
Artist comment: N/A [Ed.: Look at all those faces!]
Artist comment: N/A
IG @lillalero
Artist comment: Day 3- PATH for #folktaleweek2019 -from the fairy tale of Little Thumb: “Don't be afraid, brothers. Father and mother have left us here, but I will lead you home again. Just follow me."
They did so, and he took them home by the very same way they had come into the forest.
IG @aliocha.gouverner_art
Artist comment: I was obviously inspired by the patterns from persian carpets for this one 😊.
IG @fieryjane
Artist comment: Day 3: 🚲 PATH 🚲 Through the night park 🍃
IG @willemoever_art
Artist comment: Folktale Week prompt 3: Path - Monstrous caverns, with formations like rotten teeth, were all around him. The echoes of dripping water were thrown back at him so many times it desorientated him. Yet the aching hunger for discovery persisted. Ali wondered how much further this path would lead him down into the bowels of the earth.
IG @kendra_binney
Artist comment: A little more of my made up fairytale for #folktaleweek. Day 3: path. 
Artist comment: N/A
IG @shantala_robinson
Artist comment: The Sprightly Tailor. A folktale about a brave Tailor who was rewarded for spending the night in an abandoned churchyard haunted by a giant.
IG @ul_zak
Artist comment: N/A
IG @nichtlicht
Artist comment: Day 3: PATH - Masha hiding in the basket, so the bear is walking her home without noticing 😊
IG @sveta_solami
Artist comment: And the third topic is "path". The tale is called "Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold." I admit, I did not know about this tale before. I just searched in which fairy tales the ball of string is mentioned as a guide. And it turned out that such tales are gorgeous. (auto-translated)
IG @arandomcreative
Artist comment: Path - "In this manner they went through ten more rooms, and the last one was filled with the most terrible creatures: Dragons and snakes, toads swollen with poison, basilisks and lindorms. And in each room the bear growled, 
Do not look around!
Neither right nor left,
Straight ahead, and you'll be safe!
The girl trembled and quaked with fear, like the leaves of an aspen, but she remained steadfast and did not look around, neither right nor left. When the door to the twelfth room opened up, a glistening stream of light shone toward the two of them. The most beautiful music sounded from within, and everywhere there were cries of joy.“ - The Little Nuttwig , a german folktale by Ludwig Bechstein
IG @snazzyhues_by_teju_reval
Artist comment: Folktale week DAY3: PATH - Pattern inspired by Japanese folktale “Tanabata”. Story of the weaving maiden and the oxherd, magpies and magic. What a cute little story!