Friday, January 19, 2018

'Cunning & Cleverness': AFTS' First Short Story Competition Is Now Open For Submissions

Calling all new, clever, sly and tricksy stories for a new year.

Yes, there will be prizes (see the full image below) and yes entry is free for members. Otherwise you can pay $25 to become a member for a full year and not only receive entry rights, but other perks (including discounts for events) by way of the AFTS as well. You do not have to be Australian or living in Australia to be a member; just supportive of the society and their mission.

They will consider flash-fiction of 100 words through to stories up to 1500 words, as long as they are on theme. Submission guidelines and other details can be found at the official website for the AFTS HERE. Any further questions, please contact the AFTS directly via one of their social media sites or their official web page.

Good luck to all our adventurous and tricksy writers!

Note: This short story competition announcement from The Australian Fairy Tale Society is reproduced in full from their social media.
Hello dear fairy tale spinners! 
Bold heroes and heroines, tricksters, thieves and animal helpers. The Ezine is launching a short story fairy tale competition. 
Theme: 'Cunning & Cleverness' 
Word limit: 100 - 1500 words
Closing date: 17th April 2018 
It's time to let your imagine swirl into the realm of fairy tales. Re-construct your favourite fairy tale or spin us a new yarn. There are prizes to be won and the three winning entries will be published in the winter edition of the Ezine. Our external judges are Monique Mulligan, Sophie Masson and Nike Sulway. 
For more information regarding our submission guidelines please click on the link below. 
Happy writing! 
Enchanted regards,
The AFTS Ezine Editorial Troupe