Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Caliph Stork by Wilhelm Hauff, Illustrated by Anton Lomaev

We discovered this gorgeous picture book just the other day and had to share the illustrations and this lesser-known fairy tale, The Story of Caliph Stork.

It may sound familiar as a version of the fairy tale was include in Andrew Lang's Green Fairy Book, but with such rich fodder for illustrators, and such a funny tale for storytellers to have fun with, it's surprising this isn't more well known.

The fairy tale actually has a distinct origin, written by German writer Wilhelm Hauff for his Märchen almanach auf das Jahr 1826 (Fairytale Almanac of 1826). (The Green Fairy Book retells story in chapters.)

Set in the nebulous 'Orient' (something the romantics were fascinated by, even though it was a fantasy) the plot could easily (today) be mistaken for something out of 1001 Nights. Source notes from one writer/storyteller, Aaron Shepard, who has won honors from the American Folklore Society, retold and published this tale (with very different, but also lovely illustrations by Alisher Dianov) tell us that despite it's German origin, that this tale is now told in the Middle East and has become part of their folklore!


From Shepard's notes:
This tale—usually called “The Calif Stork” or “The Stork Calif”—is often classified as a folktale of Iraq; and folklorist Harold Courlander, who heard it twice from Muslim storytellers, believes it to be widely told in the Middle East. Yet its origin is The Caravan, a book of original fairy tales by nineteenth-century German writer Wilhelm Hauff. While folktales often make their way into written literature, in this case a written work has passed into folklore. My own retelling draws from both original and retold versions. 
The calif in this tale is patterned after Harun al-Rashid, made popular in the pages of The Thousand and One Nights.
The plot essentially goes :
The Caliph of Baghdad comes across a mysterious powder with an incantation on the bottle. It is said it can turn someone into any animal they wish. They must not, however, forget the incantation so they can turn back but above all, they must not laugh while as animals or they will be trapped in that form forever. Of course the Caliph (and his Vizier) become storks and get stuck. On a quest to find a cure, the encounter a large sad, owl, who tells them she is really the Princess of India, transformed by an evil imposter wizard, who now sits on the throne. They see an opportunity, via sneaky animal-eavesdropping and spy work, to become human again but there's a tricky clause in that one of them needs to promise his hand in marriage to the owl - without seeing what she looks like - otherwise the reversing will fail. All goes well and, of course, the princess is gorgeous, so the anxious Caliph is relieved.

If the illustration style of the images posted here, looks familiar it's because Anton Lomaev's illustrations for The Wild Swans have been circulating the internet constantly for about three years now, never failing to catch the eye (especially with all the golds and fire colors he includes in his images for that particular fairy tale. This one, however, is ultimately dominated by blues and mystery...

As an interesting tag to the tale, the sorcerer is sentenced to death while his son is given the choice of death or to smell the same black powder and become an animal forever. The son chooses the powder and becomes their pet, displayed in a cage in the garden for all to see. 
We love the last illustration in which the Caliph is making his children laugh by making fun of the Vizier when he was a stork. (And the Vizier is threatening to find that powder again as a result.)

And one day we will track down a physical copy of these lovely Lomaev illustrations (printed 2016) to put in the Fairy Tale Newsroom library!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Political Cartoons & Fairy Tales 2017: 'The Emperor's New Clothes'

You thought we were going to begin with strategically covered naked politicians, weren't you? We loved this take on The Emperor's New Clothes, specifically because it's not the 'usual take' cartoonists aim for when marrying political satire, cartoons and this particular fairy tale.

Continuing the 'fairy tales in political commentary via cartoons' posts, (what a mouthful) we thought we'd round up some of The Emperor's New Clothes takes. Hm. They're really not very, er, flattering, are they? (And we don't just mean in the sensibility factor.) In fact, not only have we NOT included all the variations available, we've had a lot of trouble trying to pick something 'appropriate' for the header image. Yikes.

One image we won't be showing though is the art installation by activist art group, INDECLINE,  that began popping up in major US cities toward the end of last year.

From the announcement for the first event in August 2016, which, incidentally, says it wasn't actually about Trump:
The Emperor’s New Clothes: Art, Imagination, & Our Battle Against the Titanic
The “titanic” (a reference to Greek mythology) is a powerful force in American culture today. It’s the unlimited and excessive, the huge and crude, and it runs roughshod over the relatively small, uniquely beautiful beings, places, and things that many of us love. The titanic “out there” numbs our feeling and dwarfs our sensitivities. We experience our own titanism “inside” as stress and emptiness.

The best weapon against titanism is our imagination. A recent installation by art activists opposing Donald Trump, that references the Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” inspired me to explore the story. 
Where is the “titanic” in your life and in our community, and can we use this story to kick-start a creative response to these questions? Come hear the story and consider how art and other inducements to the imagination can be used in our war against the titanic. 
Hosted by local mythologist Catherine Svehla. All open-minded adults are welcome. 
Please note, although Trump is a handy target for talk of the titanic, this event is not about him….
So... with that introduction, plus the giant naked statue of the President-to-be at the time, we don't know how much else got discussed, or proposed at that meeting as being 'titanics' that needed to be included in the 'war'.

Take a look at the political cartoons below. Some are from before the 'crowning' and others were created after January 20th.
via The Star Tribune
ct - The Cap Times (Madison, Wisconsin) (political cartoon central!)

Courier Journal
Jerry Holbert via
Our first 'fairy tales in political cartoons 2017' post, featuring The Boy Who Cried Wolf is HERE.

Monday, May 15, 2017

'Bratty & the Beast' (Trailer Spoof)

Too fun not to share and doubles as a commentary on the generation that are watching the remake as well. Nice work by Toon Sandwich (of ArtSpear Entertainment)!

A bit of a much-needed laugh for your Monday.

Stay till the end once the credits & notices for the channel starts. There's a parody of 'Tale As Old As Time' sung over it which is pretty amusing as well.


Maria Tatar is Working on A Book of African American Folktales!

These European fairy tales we know and love also exist in traditional African culture. "You can find a Little Red Riding Hood, you can find The Juniper Tree, which we think of as a quintessentially German tale, in Africa as well..." (Tatar, speaking to BFM radio)

We're so excited for this - and it's annotated! The book is due out Halloween 2017 (so not too far away). Here are the details:

This is the project description from the Hutchins Center, with whom Tatar is working on this with:
The Annotated African-American Folktales will present 50-60 tales from African-American traditions to a general audience.  It will begin by charting the origins of the narratives and tracing their dissemination, adaptation, and reinvention in the Americas, North and South, as well as in Caribbean regions.  The volume will include introductions to each tale, historical commentary, cultural information, illustrations, and photographs.  It will include works ranging from stories about Anansi to tales about Brer Rabbit, always providing information about how the tales have been inflected in different cultures and how their afterlife manifests itself today. 
Informed by scholarship in an array of disciplines including folklore, anthropology, African American Studies, and linguistics, it will seek to explore popular vernacular traditions through the medium of print culture.  The ambition is to remind us all that the tales are “still here” and that they have the power to reinvigorate our cultural productions with their humor, wisdom, and electrifying social energy.
And the description from Amazon:
The Annotated African American Folktales 1st Editionby Henry Louis Gates Jr. (Editor), Maria Tatar (Editor) 
Collected for the first time, these nearly 150 African American folktales animate our past and reclaim a lost cultural legacy to redefine American literature. 
Drawing from the great folklorists of the past while expanding African American lore with dozens of tales rarely seen before, The New Annotated African American Folktales revolutionizes the canon like no other volume. Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Maria Tatar assemble a groundbreaking collection of folktales, myths, and legends that revitalize a vibrant African American past untainted by romantic antebellum sentiment or counterfeit nostalgia. Beginning with introductory essays and 20 seminal African tales as historical background, Gates and Tatar present nearly 150 African American stories, among them familiar Brer Rabbit classics, but also stories like “The Talking Skull” and “Witches Who Ride,” out-of-print tales from the 1890s Southern Workman, and stories that finally incorporate Caribbean and Latin American literature within the canon. With illuminating annotations and revelatory illustrations, The New Annotated African American Folktales reminds us that stories not only move, entertain, and instruct but, more fundamentally, inspire and keep hope alive. color throughout; 160 illustrations 
You can already pre-order it on Amazon HERE.

Note: All images are by Leo and Diane Dillon for the book Her Stories: African American Folktales, Fairy Tales, and True Tales by Virginia Hamilton

Saturday, May 13, 2017

ABCs 'Once Upon A Time' Renewed But Without Most of Its Star-Regulars (+ a Limited Retrospective)

Once again, Once Upon A Time is going for an official "reset," heading into its just renewed seventh season. Unlike (yet) another curse, everyone ending up in opposite land, everyone losing their memory again or some other variation on how it all began, the big difference this time around will be that only three of the main series stars will remain.

Those are Regina, Rumpelstiltskin and Captain Hook.

Those who are won't be returning are:

            (details/statements of their exits at the links)

Here is the creator's official statement on each of the (secondary) actors, their characters and their exiting the show (Jennifer Morrison's exit was dealt with separately):
Words can’t do justice to what Ginny, Josh, Emilie, Rebecca and Jared brought to ONCE UPON A TIME… but we’ll try… never have we had the privilege of working with a more talented group of collaborators. Each brought unique talent, incredible intelligence, and their own individual bit of magic as they gave life to these iconic characters. 
Ginny reinvented Snow White for a modern audience – there was no way she would be stuck cleaning up after dwarfs, she created an iconic empowered heroine for the 21st century. 
Josh mined the depths of Prince Charming – a character who in myth was just a “type” but in his superlative interpretation became a complex man fighting for love and family. 
Emilie took the character of Belle to a deep and soulful place, bringing great intelligence and warmth to the character, making her fiercely independent, strong willed but also an eternal optimist who saw only the best in all those she encountered. 
Rebecca took us on a broomstick roller coaster ride as she re-invented the Wicked Witch of the West by finding the pain beneath the green. She made the character soar to incredible heights while always keeping her grounded and relatable. 
And Jared literally grew up before the eyes of millions, from a child actor with enormous innate talent to a young man whose abilities continue to astound as he created a character who truly, as we say on the show, has the heart of the truest believer.

We can’t thank them enough for the hard work, dedication, and passion they delivered day in and day out. Without them there would be no ONCE UPON A TIME. 
As ONCE continues, this group will always be the beating heart of the show. And even though we won’t be with them every week, in a show about magic and hope, we fervently believe it won’t be the last we see of them.
Jennifer Morrison has agreed for a single episode appearance to help transition out her character, who has been the lead of the show since the beginning.

A new character/actor expected to draw new viewers and keep old ones, is The Walking Dead‘s Andrew J. West, who will be appearing in the two hour season finale this Sunday.
Joining West is Jane the Virgin’s Alison Fernandez, who has been cast as “a precocious 10-year-old with a constant twinkle of mischief in her eye…[who] comes from a broken home, [with] struggles that have only made her stronger — something which will come in handy when darkness threatens everything she holds dear.” (TVLine)
As to what is meant by a "reset", or more specifically "springboard the narrative in a new direction", it has seemed very undecided right up till today's announcement (at the time of writing the post), with the President letting it slip that creators Kitsis and Horowitz were 'still finalizing their pitch'. Whatever the case, it's not even clear if the fairy tale aspect will remain intact, or if it will be in the same universe and belong to the same 'show mythology' as the rest of OUAT.
Kitsis & Horowitz: "We are going to complete some stories this year. There’s one chapter to this book that Henry has, so maybe it’s time for us to get to the end of that chapter. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a second book and a second chapter, just like in everyone’s life.” (TVSeriesFinale) 
(ABCs Entertainment President) Dungey declined to comment whether that “next piece” would be a different incarnation of Once, a spinoff or a something else. But it’s clear that the series, which has reinvented itself a number of times, may be heading for its biggest reinvention yet as the show’s main storyline comes to an end this season. “There will be a little bit of closure in this particular narrative regardless of what happens with Season 7.” (Deadline)
With Kitsis and Horowitz, who previously created Lost, and are known for their looping and repetitive storylines (with variations), Once Upon A Time has already had more than its fair share of reboots, and the storylines for all the main characters have run a much longer course than they probably would have (should have?) on any other show, so the big fear is that a) season seven won't be anything like OUAT at all or b) that it will be the agonizing death of OUAT, as opposed to going out strongly with this last musical, wedding and two part final battle.

The bright spot for fairy tale folk is that is will still have the title Once Upon A Time - a phrase that is difficult NOT to associate with fairy tales, so some aspect of that is very likely to remain part of the new format and direction.

Although we have been critical of Once Upon A Time over its course, we do want to acknowledge just what a fantastic and creative job they've done in persisting on rewriting familiar stories and fairy tale narratives, and archetypes, in different lights. Not only that, the tally of characters introduced is HUGE (one day we will have to list them) and the series regulars, whose stories continue through multiple arcs and variations, number quite a large ensemble - not an easy feat to combine while keeping the 'mythology' intact. These characters have not only explored their traditional stories (usually Disney-based) but had them twisted, re-visioned from different points of view, often in combination with other fairy tale characters, which sheds a different light on them again, and sometimes they've explored other fairy tale plots as part of their own journey as well. Some of these have worked better than others, as is the case with any show with a huge variety of characters and storylines, but it's also been extremely creative and woken up a lot of people to the possibilities of fairy tales, including how their own lives can be reflected in them. As much as it's been difficult - as serious fairy tale students and enthusiasts - to watch from time to time, things will be very different without a series that regularly brings adults fairy tale characters regularly to the screen.

Here we should note the Once Upon A Time In Wonderland spin-off as well. Though not as successful as expected, we believe people will look back and realize there are many gems to be mined from that adventure as well. There has also been a foray into 'The Land of Untold Stories' as a main arc - again, something that felt a little awkward at the time, but looking back will prove an interesting study.

The show looked at storytelling, often literally, with an 'author' and a magic pen changing the tales and people's lives in the process, and the mysterious book of fairy tales first given by Snow White to Henry is an anchor and pivot point for many plots of the series. It went to the 'real' world (of New York) and back again, visited the Underworld, and other dimensions in addition to Wonderland, such as Oz, Agrabah, Neverland - even the ins and outs of Fairyland (which are different to the Enchanted Forest) - and many others, connecting them all in bizarre and creative ways. So often the show was meta, both in terms of the tales and characters used, as well as its 'parent' (Disney), but also with regard to writing and retelling tales. The production images created with liberal use of fantasy settings, elaborate costumes, use of magic items in the storylines, archetypes and CG have inspired thousands of people to create their own narratives and 'image stories' and will forever remain a part of fairy tales to come. That aspect is possibly one of the most successful outcomes of the show - it encourages and inspires people to create their own stories. One day there will be a lot to sit down, look at, and, yes, study.

Just take a look at the variety of characters and worlds OUAT has explored, just by way of the variety of promotional posters we've included here (there are many more as well). These only highlight the largest arcs and it's still an impressive array.



The oddest thing is that it's been another year since Kitsis and Horowitz let it slip that they were "running out of fairy tales heroes and villains to work with", (their words) which explains the dive into mythology and legends, as well as classic literature these past couple of years. We do find it odd that they seem to think there's no fairy tales left to work with though! There are literally thousands to choose from and out of those many (many!) that enjoy popularity in society beyond Disney - that is, they're familiar stories the show could tap into. (Hey OUAT folks - we know a bunch of people who can help with that!) 

What that means for a reboot and a 'change in narrative direction', is... not something that inspires confidence in continuing, or in a spin-off, but we do know that OUAT has charmed enough folks, even if they're not tuning in faithfully with each new episode, to be more than a little curious to see what happens next. Season six promises to wrap up the storylines playing out since the beginning and to bring 'satisfying closure' for fans in the two hour finale for which the musical/wedding episode last week was the prelude. Will hanging in there to bring the show back for another season pay off though? We'll just have to wait and see.

They do tend to say that "all reboots come with a price".
As per the show's main theme, however, we choose HOPE.
Don't forget: the two-hour season finale - which the creators have promised will wrap all the main storylines of the whole series to-date, is TOMORROW:
Sunday, May 14th 8pm ABC
(7pm Central), 2017