Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Disney's New "As Told By Emoji: Beauty and the Beast" Is More Telling Than You Think

So "Storytelling by Emoji" is a thing now.

Easy to dismiss as a fad, nerdist quirk or a sad commentary on the lack of literacy in today's youth, there's actually a lot more to this storytelling form that's been hitting the internet for the past 12-18 months, than initially meets the eye, and the tale released today, September 7th, Beauty and the Beast, is a good example of why.

It's essentially storytelling via symbols and motifs, not unlike how the first stories were recorded back in the golden age of cave painters. (Makes me wonder if cave folk wouldn't adapt to cell phones faster than some of our older population...)

It's easy to scoff and roll your eyes because the cute is turned up to 11, which can be difficult to take seriously, but try to consider symbology as you watch these and note, not only the character icons but all the various transition symbols that are used in texting everyday, being employed here as vehicles to move the action forward. It's quite fascinating.

Take a look:
I will admit my first reaction, as a dedicated logophile and bibliophile, was closer to being aghast than fascinated on seeing the concept applied to an entire story. But as I grudgingly watched the first few seconds it dawned on me that there was more to this than meets the eye, and there's a big reason it's so effective in this age of the infographic, social media memes and visual information sorting.

To make this form of storytelling work, the creators must boil down the tale to its essential details, and anything added after is simply stylistic - very much like the innate method storytellers use all over the world. Storytellers have their "story frame", which contains the essential touchstone elements of the story they are telling, on which they embellish using their own unique language style and additional plot details, all designed to appeal as a whole to the audience in front of them at that time. Although simple, it's far more difficult to do well than it sounds.

These new Disney "As Told By Emoji" series are more effective and on point than I expected. While I would have been surprised to find a study on symbols and motifs to have been a key part of this process, it's clear the creators were looking shrewdly at the methods of communication used in social media, in particular, today, and are using this contemporary "shorthand" as a new form of storytelling.

I particularly like the transformation of Beast to Prince. It's exactly spot-on for today's everyday "vocabulary".
In this digital day and age, folks often prefer texting over making a phone call. It’s quicker, sure—but you also have the option of getting your message across with, well, symbols. They’re called emoji, which means “picture character” in Japanese. Open the texting app in your smartphone of choice and you have hundreds of adorable, hilarious, and sometimes unusual emoji right at your fingertips. Over the years, folks have tried their hand at recreating song lyrics, or telling long-form stories, just through emoji… and that’s where the idea for Disney’s latest short video series was born. 

...The inspiration behind the series? “That’s a big question!” says Gino Guzzardo, the series director and producer, who also leads the video content team at Disney Interactive (DI) Media. “It was a trend we saw on the Internet. People would try to translate stories using static emoji, just through the Unicode [text] set that you have on your phone… We saw the opportunity of translating that into animation. So we thought, ‘What would that look like? Would it work?’ We hadn’t seen anyone use emoji to tell an animated story, like in an actual narrative, two-minute piece… 
So simplified tale telling went back up a few notches in adding back the animation-factor, but the bare bones of story are still very visible.

See? More interesting than you thought. ;)

You can read a little more about the process and the creator's thinking HERE and can watch other Disney fairy tales from the As Told by Emoji series as well (each are linked below in their titles).

So far there are:

Disney's Live Action "Beauty and the Beast" Poster, Trailer & Teasers Update

You'd have to have been living under the proverbial rock not to have heard the internet community go bananas when Disney's first live action Beauty and the Beast trailer hit the web.

The release date remains March 17, 2017 so we still have a little way to go before the hype really begins but don't let that spoil your enjoyment if you've been on the edge of your seat waiting, for after all, "..there's something there that wasn't there before." ;)
I thought it would be best just to put all the updates, to date, here in one post for now (I'll list all the previous posts at the end of this one, in case you need to catch up), and we'll post any significant news as per usual in the months to come.
While there has also been the release of the teaser poster (shown at the head here) and teeny other things, last week the buzz among excited fans increased again as snippets from the "exclusive sneak peek" included on the Diamond Edition of the 1991 classic film (available to buy in October), hit the internet by way of those who got a preview.

Yesterday, however, it became official, so there's a whole lot more to see, as of yesterday afternoon and, of course, I will share it here.

So first, the trailer, which is beautifully done although we're not shown a whole lot. It is, however, much more satisfying than that shoe for Cinderella was, and the music is a very pretty and haunting version of the classic theme too, which is lovely. I have to admit, I'm always curious to see what they do with the Disney castle at the beginning. It appears the Beast's castle replaces Sleeping Beauty's this time around, which works nicely. Enjoy:
The "new images" people are excited about are more to do with how things will be translated from the animated film and realized for a live action setting, but I have to admit, that's one of the things that fascinates me about adapting books to movies, page to stage, or animation to live action: how will they - in this case, director Bill Condon - refresh the classic ideas, motifs, scenes and looks and will those really work in their new setting? (I know there are people who could write an entire dissertation on this!) The other question many are still are asking is, if the first movie is so perfect, why do a remake? The answer from Condon:
“When something is so perfect, why get near it? The answer is technology has caught up to the ideas that were introduced in that movie.”
But onto the eye candy (note: it's over 16 mins so it won't be a quick view, but it will be worth it for fans):
One thing the reviewer noted is that the feel of this adaptation is perhaps darker than expected and although I've seen speculation elsewhere as to whether this Beauty and the Beast will be, perhaps, scary, I share the notion that it has more of an Olde Worlde feel, harking back to an old book somewhere. While this very likely won't be Villeneuve or Leprince de Beaumont's books, (sigh) I have hope that this will send people in search of those versions as well as other time-tested adaptations, like Robin McKinley's Beauty.

With books being such a strong, and beloved, theme through the animated film, I would very much like to see what Disney publishing are busy cooking up, and if there will be any real hark back to classic tales, which is what Belle is shown to adore when we're first introduced to her.

I would also not mind at all if Handypeople magazines got into the theme of building your own enchanted library, or hidden entrances to places by way of moving bookshelves... #hint

A little note about the enchanted objects... the response to the Mrs. Potts, in particular seems, universally, to be one of horror. You would have to admit that being turned into an enchanted object would really be quite horrifying, so it would track with the story, but that's definitely not the demographic Disney would be aiming for with this movie. We can only hope that the final CG models are adapted somewhat because I don't think I could ever look quite the same way at a teapot ever again after seeing that, and I'm a big fan of enchanted objects (and objects gaining sentience after many generations in a family). That said, having objects that are more realistic being brought to life, rather than animated objects living in the real world is a choice I applaud. I'm just curious now to see if they've struck the correct balance...

One update to go: the sneak peek behind the scenes from a featurette, which includes a brief excerpt from a table read between Belle and the Beast. Enjoy:
Although it's clear this film isn't going to be blow-by-blow of the 1991 movie, they're still making sure to hit all those touchstone moments it would seem. A dedicated fan, @bellabestiason, (thanks to Sarah for identifying the creator) put together an interesting frame comparison:

I'm sure there will be more, even prettier things, to see very soon.

Previous significant news posts on this film, oldest to newest):

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Australian Fairy Tale Society Launches Unique Tale-Themed Member Ezine

Front cover of AFTS Ezine Issue 01; illustration included by A H Watson 1939
Full disclosure: I am intimately involved with this project. I am Editor and Designer, and my incredibly talented fairy-sister Louisa John-Krol (internationally acclaimed indie musician, with a voice like fae bells, who runs a fascinating fairy/fairy tale blog of her own) is my Co-editor, part time Muse, creative life-saver and Rock. We are both Founding Members of the Australian Fairy Tale Society, have a great passion for the work the society is doing and are also committee members.
The Australian Fairy Tale Society (AFTS) has just launched a special new fairy tale ezine (electronic magazine) for registered members, and it's quite different from anything else out there.

The ezine will be published every second month, in between 'Fairy Tale Ring' meetings, where members meet to have tea/coffee and chat about the Tale of the Month; from academic musings, to creative inspiration. Apart from providing members with something unique and exclusive for their membership fees, the ezine aims to support and share the creation of new and excellent fairy tale works, inspired by these meetings. From essays to poems, short stories to music, visual art to plays, interviews to Australian national fairy tale news and much more, the ezine will focus on sharing newly created fairy tale works.
Rumpelstilzchen Valerian Gillar 1947 (not included in ezine)
Members also receive the amazing and wonderful Reading Reference, and Points to Ponder lists every second month, researched by Ring Maiden and qualified fairy tale librarian, Jo Henwood (Co-Founder of the AFTS). They're sent out before the meetings to help attendees prepare for the conversations, to be inspired by the many aspects and considerations with regard to the tale and to support the creation of new works inspired by it. (You can read the lists for Jack and the Beanstalk and The Little Mermaid, without being a member, HERE.)
Rumpekstilzchen Liebermann 1929

Each issue will have the theme of the meeting from the month before (eg July's Tale of the Month was discussing Rumpelstiltskin, so all the content for Issue 01 Aug/Sep was Rumpelstiltskin related), with each issue having many illustrations (both public domain and used by permission), and an analogous color palette inspired by the tale as well. As you might have guessed, the Rumpelstiltskin issue was gold. (There is a limited page preview which non-members can view, of Issue 01, HERE.)
Rumpelstilzchen Thekla Brauer 1910 (not included in ezine)

Here's a hastily taken, sneak peek of a few of the interior pages from the Editor's desktop as we were finishing up the final details, right before publishing a couple of weeks ago:
Even though the ezine is focused on Australian members, there is plenty there for fairy tale folk around the world to enjoy. (The first issue was 32 page chock-full of Rumpelstitskin exploration.) While the society is still experimenting with how to connect long distance members for inclusion in fairy tale ring meetings via online resources, at $25 for a year's membership fee, just receiving 6 issues a year is still a fairy tale bargain, even if networking is, for the moment, limited. (You can read the membership details and choose to join through this page on the AFTS website HERE.)

Rear cover of AFTS Ezine Issue 01
Image included by Walter Crane 1882
And did I mention the publishing opportunity? AFTS members are encouraged to submit their work for inclusion in the ezine. While a certain standard of excellence is expected, and the Submission Guidelines are fairly typical for publishing, the Editorial Troupe also expects to work with newer artists and writers to assist in polishing work they could easily include in a professional portfolio.

Excerpt. from AFTS Ezine Issue 01
Illustration by A J Gaskin 1894

For Australian AFTS members at home or abroad, who are also regular readers of Once Upon A Blog, we hope you are busy thinking about September's Tale of the Month, The Frog King, or Iron Henry, as the Rings begin to meet, and are ready to discuss all aspects of slimy suitors and be inspired by themes of transformation and learning respect...

Note: The Australian Fairy Tale Society is an Australian national registered non-profit organization with pending ROCO (Register of Cultural Organizations) status. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

Lotte Reiniger's Fairy Tale Style In Vogue Again

Anyone who's anyone in animation these days, now knows the name and work of Lotte Reiniger, if they didn't already, and not a few households are becoming familiar with her this year as well.

Not only were we treated to a most beautiful, hand-created Google Doodle, commemorating her work and 117th birthday on June 2nd this year, but Rebecca Sugar, the first 'solo woman creator' of an animated TV series at Cartoon Network, Steven Universe, referenced the style of Reiniger in a special episode, titled "The Answer" earlier in the year.
But let's have a quick look at the Google Doodle first:
 While I thought it was lovely, I didn't have full appreciation for it until I realized it was created by "doodler" Olivia Huynh, in the same manner Lotte Reiniger herself used: with paper, scissors, many, many hand- crafted puppets and a unique camera rig to take photos frame by frame.
(Reiniger made over 40 short films this way, as well as the feature length The Adventures of Prince Achmed.) Here's a fascinating look behind the scenes of the the Lotte birthday tribute Google Doodle:
And here's Lotte Reiniger herself, telling you how you can do the same at home. This is amazing and enchanting footage. (Note: if you take Lotte's advice, you may need a saw to cut a hole in your dining room table...):
Going back to present day TV pop culture, creator Rebecca Sugar has created quite a buzz with her own achievements. (You can hear an interview with her HERE in NPR's On Point.) In an special episode, The Answer, which deals beautifully with love, Sugar stated:
We wanted to give Garnet the ultimate animated fairy tale love story, with imagery inspired by all our favorite animated fairy tale love stories of all time. We started by drawing influence from Lotte Reiniger, creator of the oldest surviving animated feature film, “The Adventures of Prince Achmed.” The film is done with Lotte Reiniger’s signature silhouette animation technique and the compositions are stunning.We referenced the silhouetted characters, but also the dense, lush, ornate background compositions in the film. (Source)
Steven Universe, popular not only with kids but many others, including Emmy-watchers, is pushing a lot of conventional boundaries, not only in how it was created by Sugar (and how big a win that was for female animators and directors everywhere) but also in the deep messages it presents.
The show has gained a big following beyond its target demographic for pushing the boundaries of LGBTQ representation, as well as diving into themes like self-discovery and healthy relationships. “It’s very important to me that we speak to kids about consent, that we speak to kids about identity,” creator Rebecca Sugar said at Comic-Con last month.”I want to feel like I exist, and I want everyone else who wants to feel that way to feel that way too.”  (Source)

Sugar has stated many times that she's not only great admirer of Lotte Reiniger's aesthetic and overall animation work, but the way she pushed boundaries, doing what no one in the world had really done before in creating, not only animated films but pioneering such a beautiful style that has rarely been surpassed even today. That legacy lives on, not only in how much illustrated and paper cut silhouettes seem to automatically echo Once Upon A Time, but also in how she told fairy tales, inspiring others to approach their own unique obstacles with all the determination, hard work and ultimately, beauty that Reiniger's fairy tales have as a signature.
It's not the first time we've seen film and TV inspired by Reiniger's fairy tale work (see a still from Michel Ocelot's 2011 film Tales of the Night below) but it may be the biggest pop culture exposure she's had in quite some time.
A huge admirer of Reiniger's work and fairy tale films, (which were greatly influential in her lifetime and continue to be so today, in fairy tale books, films and various methods of storytelling), I couldn't be happier to see her name entering popular consciousness again and becoming a well-known name - and fairy tale influence, in the best sense - among animators and filmmakers in the industry today.

Fairy Tale Bonus of the Day:
Lotte Reiniger discusses her process for creating films, as well as her career, in this rare recording, just recently made available via the USC Hugh Hefner Moving Image Archive website.
You can listen to the 45 minute recording online HERE.

Friday, September 4, 2015

"Goldie & Bear" Debuts September 12 via Digital Distribution, Cable to Follow (Maria Tatar Is Series Consultant)

We're about to have a new, fairy tale focused, series for kids from Disney! And it's not about using Disney properties or 're-booting' old franchises; this is all about getting the fairy tales kids USED to know so well, back into circulation and back into our lives. (I know!! *much cheering and fist pumping*)

For the skeptics among us (which previously included me), I should mention straight away that one of our Grand Dames of fairy tale study and research, Maria Tatar, has been on board with the series as a consultant from it's development and continues on with the series in this capacity to help keep things - and the fairy tales - on track. (*more cheering, whooping added*)

Here's a quote from Development Executive Nancy Kanter (via Variety) about why they're doing this at all:
“We are trying to keep these classic stories, and classic characters, in kids’ minds,” said Nancy Kanter, executive vice president of original programming and general manager of Disney Junior Worldwide. "With school systems placing more emphasis on math, science and analysis of documents, perhaps there’s less room for Tom Thumb and Hansel and Gretel? “We thought it was really important that kids still had a touchstone to these time-honored tales,” she added.
I can't tell you how encouraging it is to hear that. While I believe there's more to it than just "wouldn't it be nice to keep some of that heritage alive", it's a wonderful start. I vote thumbs up!

They're also kicking this off via the vehicle kids are using most these days: apps, online access and games. While series TV via Disney Channel and Disney Junior on cable (and possibly other providers) will follow in November, the idea is to get the series into the hands of kids where they're most likely to find it for themselves first.

From the press release: 
Disney Junior will debut the first six episodes of fairytale-inspired "Goldie & Bear" on the popular WATCH Disney Junior platforms, beginning Saturday, September 12, with one new episode premiering on the WATCH Disney Junior app and WATCH Disney each Monday from September 21 through October 12. Set in the magical world of Fairy Tale Forest, the animated series for kids age 2-7 reunites Goldie and Bear, after the renowned porridge incident featured in "Goldilocks and The Three Bears." The series premieres in November on Disney Channel and Disney Junior.
Reflecting Disney's deep roots in storytelling that resonates across generations, "Goldie & Bear" captures the timeless appeal of sharing stories through fairy tales, folk tales and nursery rhymes. Each episode features two 11-minute stories that showcase the new, unexpected friendship between Goldie and Bear as they seek out fun and adventure along with their friends and neighbors, all of whom are drawn from beloved storybook characters. Whether it's helping the Big Bad Wolf learn to consider others before blowing down their houses, helping Jack and Jill get up that hill, or rescuing accident-prone Humpty Dumpty after his great fall, Goldie and Bear enjoy living in a fairytale world filled with real-life situations, humorous mishaps and heartfelt moments.  
Beginning where the classic tales leave off, "Goldie & Bear" celebrates the distinct personalities of Goldie, Bear and their quirky pals, and encourages children to develop their own enchanting friendships. The series is populated with a diverse cast of storybook characters who model friendship, community, respect for individuality, resilience in the face of adversity and compassion for others, and is meant to spark conversations among kids and parents about the narratives and morals highlighted by Goldie and Bear's unlikely friendship and their comedic interactions in Fairy Tale Forest.  
Maria Tatar, chair of Harvard University's program in Folklore and Mythology and series consultant, advising on storytelling, fairy tales and folklore, said, "When we are stumped, a story often provides the answer - not in the form of a one-liner but in a conversation about the things that mattered to us in the tale." and WATCH Disney Junior will roll out a suite of more than 20 "Goldie & Bear" micro-games throughout the fall, with the first six debuting with the series.  Housed in a storybook containing an interactive map of Fairy Tale Forest, each game centers on a classic fairy tale or nursery rhyme character. 
"Goldie & Bear" stars Natalie Lander ("The Middle") as Goldie and Georgie Kidder ("Star Wars: The Clone Wars") as Bear. Recurring guest stars include Lesley Nicol ("Downton Abbey") as Fairy Godmother, Isabella Day ("Cristela") as little witch Rosita, Debby Ryan ("Jessie") as Thumbelina and Miles Brown and Marsai Martin ("black-ish") as Jack & Jill.  "Goldie & Bear" was developed for television and is co-executive produced by Jorge Aguirre ("Giants Beware!" graphic novel series); Chris Gilligan ("Frankenweenie") is executive producer and director; Joe Ansolabehere ("Recess") is story editor and Rob Cantor (from the band Tally Hall) is songwriter. 
I was sent a little sneak-peek of the synopsis for the premiere which I have been given permission to share:
The premiere episode "Big Bear/Birthday Chair" will go live on the WATCH Disney Junior app and WATCH Disney on Saturday September 12th. In the episode, when Bear eats one of Jack’s magic beans so he can be a bigger bear, he and Goldie must find a way to reverse the magic after he learns being big isn’t as fun as he thought.  Then, when Goldie forgets Bear’s birthday gift, she has to quickly find the most perfect present for her best friend. 
And here's a little preview:
Normally I might make a note just to check in with a series like this (like I did for The 7D) but with Maria Tatar consulting on the series since it's early development, and continuing on with the show in this capacity, I'm going to make a point of watching it when I can.

It should also be noted that, Jorge Aguirre, creator of the wonderful graphic novel series Giants Beware, developed this series and is co-executive producer as well, so they're all points in favor of the series as far as I'm concerned.

I'm always a little hesitant to jump on board with CG series as many of them look so similar they can begin to blend together but perhaps a unique signature style will become more obvious and the show will look more instantly appealing when we see more variety of situations and characters.

Even with my reservations about the design style, the acting, animation and writing glimpses we have been given look very promising.

Fairy tale bonus of the day:
Goldilocks has been lurking around Disney for some time. There was supposed to be an animated short released back in 1936, but it never got beyond the development stage. From Disney Wikia:
The Three Bears (or Goldie Locks and Three Bears) is an unproduced animated short that was to have been released in 1936. It is a proposed Silly Symphony of the well-known children's story. Model sheets prove that Goldilockswas planned to look like, and possibly be voiced by, Shirley Temple. Papa Bear was modeled after W.C. Fields. Another version of this short as a MickeyDonaldand Goofy cartoon would have had Mickey, Donald and Goofy casted in the roles of the Three Bears which was approached to the story after the prosed Silly Symphony failed to materialize.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

D23 News: Live Action "The Jungle Book" Update

Reporting belatedly, I'm afraid, but it can't be helped at the moment. Above is the new poster unveiled at D23 and while it is beautiful, my first impression was that Bagheera had a human face CGI'd onto his panther one. I've quickly discovered this is because of the lighting (you can see that it's not human at all in the close-up below) but now I can't un-see that...

Here's a round up of news tidbits regarding Jon Favreau's live action "The Jungle Book" remake for Disney, with the best news being that the reveals, though not so highly anticipated, brought a standing ovation and have created a strong expectation of goodness (classic with some darker Kipling resonances) for the movie being released next year. I'm so pleased to hear there will be much more of Kipling's original story vibes in there (though I would have been even more excited to hear that more storylines - or even characters like Kotik and Rikki Tikki Tavi - of Kipling's classic had made it in, but, baby steps are also good. You can read the original online HERE.)

As with other fan exclusives shown at D23 (at which all cell phones and cameras were confiscated on entering), the rest of us won't get to see what attendees did for some time yet but 2016 is rapidly drawing closer so I'm guessing the Christmas season promos will give us more to look at.

Here are the trailer details from The Grill:
Development art from Favreau's version
Director Jon Favreau unveiled the first trailer for Disney’s “The Jungle Book” and brought stars Lupita Nyong'oBen Kingsley and newcomer Neel Sethi onstage at Saturday’s D23 Fan Expo in Anaheim. 
Sethi plays the film’s young hero Mowgli, while Kingsley plays Bagheera the Panther and Nyong’o plays Raksha the Wolf. Favreau played up the eye-popping visual spectacle of the film, saying that “The best CGI is the CGI that disappears.” 
...The trailer opens with the smoky voice of Scarlett Johansson‘s Kaa the Python talking about the Red Flower, which brings “warmth, light and destruction.” 
Bagheera finds Mowgli and we’re told that “the jungle is no longer safe. I’ll return him to where he belongs.” 
We see Idris Elba‘s killer tiger Shere Khan stalking Mowgli through the outback in a thrilling sequence that ends with him jumping off a cliff, after which he’s discovered by Bill Murray‘s Baloo the Bear. Baloo tells Mowgli to “relax” and that “there’s no need to get worked up.” Then he sings the classic Disney song “Bare Necessities,” a song about “the good life,” though Mowgli confesses he doesn’t know what a song is. 
“Everyone’s got a song,” Baloo assures him. 
As the trailer nears its end, we see Shere Khan warning Mowgli that “if you come back, I’ll be waiting,” then the footage concludes with Christopher Walken‘s orangutan King Louie saying “I am the king!” — which brought the house down. 
... The footage, which was stunning and full of wonder, earned a standing ovation...
New star, Neel Sethi, handles his first public appearance very well.
And a very short video via Yahoo Movies is worth taking a peek at as Jon Favreau speaks about the classic comedic animation classic versus Kipling and his approach on trying to find the balance of both.
“A lot of liberty was taken in tone in the ’67 animated film, because the source material was much darker,” Favreau tells Yahoo Movies during a chat at D23. However, Favreau felt a deep connection to the original Disney movie, particularly regarding the music, the tone, and “the playfulness of the characters.” So in creating new version, Favreau drew on both the book and the cartoon. “I tried to pick out the aspects [of the 1967 movie] that I found most memorable and that I connected with the most, and made sure that we protected those as we explored the combination of those things,” (Favreau) explains.
Overall, this definitely sounds like it beats the first Disney live action remake by leaps and bounds, but will it be worth seeing in the theater? What do you think?

Bonus of the day:
Mondo posters is well known for their artistic alternative versions of movie posters and The Jungle Book has a couple done through them. The one below though is particularly lovely, hailing both classic book and future live action film beautifully. The artist is Brandon Holt.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Timeless Tales Magazine Cover Contest Cancellation

A special message from the editor of Timeless Tales, Tahlia Merrill Kirk:

Creative projects are all about throwing new ideas onto a wall and seeing what sticks. Which means that sometimes that idea you thought was brilliant and destined for success ends up sliding into a mushy pile on the floor.

That’s pretty much what happened with the Timeless Tales cover contest. It was a total shot in the dark and the shot missed its mark. We had the contest open for nearly a month and got a grand total of TWO entries. This is obviously not enough to be considered a proper contest.

I seriously considered letting our failure slide under the radar while privately emailing the artists an explanation, but then I saw a series of blog posts by Wil Wheaton* (links at the bottom of this post).

Wil is the creator of several webseries I follow closely. He’s one of those really down-to-earth people who I’ve never met, but have a ton of respect for his accomplishments. His summer has been full of professional frustrations this summer and isn’t afraid to share them with his fans.  His honesty made me appreciate all his hard work even more than before. So I’m hoping that I can follow in his footsteps here.

I suspect that the contest’s failure is related to my lack of knowledge about the illustrating community. Possibly, my budget was too small, but I also didn’t have a clue where to promote the contest beyond our own social media. If anyone has suggestions for what I could’ve done better, I’d love to hear them so I can learn from this experience.

I’d like to thank Terry Fischer  ( and Scott Klase for being the kind souls who sent in their work. Terry's is on the left and Scott's is on the right:
Inline image 1
The good news is that our story submissions are as strong as ever and I have some great ideas for issue #6 that I’ll be announcing later on this year (pretty sure we’re finally going to be adding poetry!) For this upcoming issue, I’ve hired my graphic artist friend who designed our logo ( In the words of a famous fish: