
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

#FolktaleWeek2020 - Day 3 Picks: Courtship (+ some late entries from earlier prompts)

Promotional pic to re-post/share to spread awareness of #FolktaleWeek2020 by Julia C. Illustration
Today's prompt was COURTSHIP.
Click HERE to find out more about #FolktaleWeek2020 - happening all this week.
Day 1: BIRTH (click for our picks post)
Day 2: RITUAL (click for our picks post)
by Scott Keenan Illustration
“The jolt jostled the piece of poisoned apple loose from Snow White’s throat. Not long after, she opened her eyes, lifter the coffin lid, and sat up, alive again”
The Weaver Girl(Vega) fell in love with the Cowherd(Altair) & god,
her grandfather, permitted them to marry. But when the newlyweds spent all the time
together without doing any work, god separated them with the Milky Way
in between. On the lunar seventh of July, the only day of the year they were permitted
to meet, the two of them ran to the shore of the celestial river but there was no way to
cross over. The crows and magpies took pity of them as the couple weeped,
and formed a bridge over the Milky Way.
by Diana_Renjina
Eglė the Queen of Serpents - “A young maiden named Eglė discovers a grass snake in the sleeve of her blouse after bathing with her two sisters. Speaking in a human voice, the grass snake repeatedly agrees to go away only after Eglė pledges herself to him in exchange for him leaving her clothes. <...> Instead of seeing a serpent or a grass snake on the seashore, Eglė meets her bridegroom Žilvinas, who appears to be a handsome man - the Grass Snake Prince.”

Day3 ☆Courtship☆
Courtship doesn't require words, just a look
by @dianamayoillo
“The True Bride” for #Courtship - Following my journey for #folktaleweek2020 by revisiting old #Grimms tales I used to enjoy, I remembered this story about a man who ‘forgot’ the woman he said he loved! So many of these tales sit very uncomfortably in the present, like this one where the woman waited and waited for her ‘true love’, whilst he planned to marry another. But, by disguising herself in increasingly beautiful gowns of moons, suns and stars, the other bride is discarded and the prince recognises his #TrueBride. Shocking! However, when I was little, all that counted were the magical dresses she wore...
by @kathwaxman
Day Three Prompt: Courtship, Petruccio and Kate, Taming of the Shrew - Familiarize yourself with the Renaissance courtship traditions in Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew via this artistic rendering of Francis Bacon, the protagonist’s foil in The Mostly True Manuscripts of Wee Will Shaxbard. Considered within its historical context, this work does extol some common stereotypes. However, Shrew also provides an opportunity to challenge common folklore regarding “appropriate” behavior within the confines of marriage. Controversial yet educational.
by @marjolaneroller
Bluebeard (Marjolaine Roller is retelling the tale of Bluebeard and has mixed up the prompts to better serve the story sequence. Courtship was the first prompt of the series.)
by @ruthburrowsillustration
I am looking to Lincolnshire Folklore to inspire my work this week and in the book Lincolnshire Folk Tales by Maureen James there appears a gruesome tale - “The Lass That Saw Her Own Grave Dug” - Bessie, invited out to walk by Mr. Fox has a strange dream the night before and says to herself, “I hadn’t that there dream for nowt. I’ll be in Galley-dales before he gets there, I reckon; then I shall get to know what he’s up to.” - She climbs into a tree and witnesses Mr. Fox digging a grave. Eventually, he tires of waiting for her to arrive, fills in the hole and leaves. Bessie runs home and tells her Father who captures Mr. Fox the next day when he comes a courting!
by Eleonora Asparuhova @elleasparuhova
There was once a man in love with a Samodiva... - Day 3 from #folktaleweek2020 ‘Courtship’ is based on the Bulgarian folktale about the beautiful mythical forest creature Samodiva...

by ayukotanaka
Day 3. Courtship - Knights and princes visited the castle to rescue the princess who keeps on sleeping inside the castle...

by shelleyaldrichminimuseum
THE STAR LOVERS - Once there was a young maiden on the edge of the Milky Way who wove lovely white clothes for the gods. She never stopped weaving because of the warning she heard, “Sorrow, age-long sorrow, shall come upon the Weaving Maiden when she leaves her loom” - At her father’s request she takes a break and falls in love with a Herd Boy. In their happiness, they forget their duties and anger the gods. Because of their carelessness, the gods create a delicate bridge of magpies for the Herd Boy to cross. Once the boy is on the far side of the bright river, the magpies fly away, thus splitting the lovers. - The maiden then returns to her loom in sorrow, weaving cloth in greys and color now that she has experienced love and loss. On the 7th day of the 7th moon, the magpies return, allowing the lovers a single day together. In Japan, Tanabata or the Star Festival, celebrates the lovers reunion on July 7th.



Artist unknown! (We found the pic then clicked to see the name of the artist but the post disappeared as the app reloaded! Instagram is not searchable via hashtags at present, Facebook doesn't show all results or in order and Twitter is used less for posting under this hashtag. Apologies to the artist whom we've spent multiple hours trying to track down without success. Any info on this artist would be greatly appreciated so we can correctly credit them.)
by Freyahartas
Tatterhood - Once upon a time there was a Queen who desperately wanted children of her own. She met an old hag who told her to plant a seed and eat the beautiful flower that grew from it, but she must not eat the weed at the base of the flower as this would bring her great misfortune. When the flower eventually bloomed the queen plucked it from the stem and ate it, the flower tasted so sweet that she couldn't help herself and ate the ugly weed that grew underneath. Later the queen gave birth to twin daughters, one as beautiful as the sun, the other an ugly little girl who clutched a wooden spoon and rode on the back of a goat! This child was named Tatterhood because she was always so ugly and ragged and wore a hood which hung about her ears in tatters.
by @victoria_fomina_art
by @dressenmcqueen
“BIRTH #folktaleweek2020 - From the Woman with Three Hundred and Sixty-Six Children. - A countess is cursed by a beggar woman when she refuses her any scrap of assistance then forcefully throws her from her garden - and scolds her for having two children when she, the countess, has none. The curse is for her to have as many children as days of the year. The woman intended only three babies, since she delivered these words on January 3rd. It came to be, though, a baby for each and every day of the year plus it was a leap we see the progression of babies on every tray and bowl from the house on their way to be christened.

by Anne-Marie Farrell (@farrell_annemarie)
Maleficent’s FOMO is in full force as she gate-crashes Aurora’s Christening.


by Critterwings
from an Italian folk tale, the “Colony of Cats” a gentle variation on story of the Gatto Mammone or the Mammon Cat. There was a nice girl who was always being treated poorly by her mother and older sister. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. Nearby was a large, villa owned entirely by cats, who always needed a human servant to help out with chores and paid well, but no one ever wanted to stay with so many cats for too long. She was desperate though, so she went to ask them for the job. She cooked and cleaned and helped take care of the kittens and older cats, and was happy enough for awhile. She was so kind and gentle and generous that the cats were always happy too, and when they noticed that she was lonely they took her to their leader, Father Gatto, aka the Mammon Cat. 

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