
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fairy Tale Transformation Illustrations from Ivana's House of Fairy Tales

These unusual fairy tale illustrations by Ivo Matić are from Ivanas' House of Fairy Tales, which is a unique multimedia and interactive visitor's center and permanent exhibition, which celebrates fairy tales and their makers. (Located in Ogulin, Croatia) The illustrations are displayed on a tablet though a "secret spyhole" within the exhibition and are just one part of an interactive multimedia display/experience.

Our mission is to celebrate the writings of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić and to use fairy tales to inspire a love of reading, knowledge and creative expression. By promoting the knowledge of fairy tales – a widespread literary genre – we encourage intercultural exchange and enhance the cultural and tourist prosperity of Ogulin, while actively contributing to the development of the city and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants.

The idea behind Ivana's House of Fairy Tales is part of a cultural incentive from the local Board of Tourism to encourage the perception that Ogulin is a unique, beautiful and culturally important place to visit, along with the international Ogulin Fairy-Tale Festival.
The reason it's called Ivana's House, is wonderful and easiest to explain by including some text from the official website HERE:
This idea was inspired by the fact that Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić – Croatia's foremost writer of fairy tales – was born in Ogulin. Tales of Long Ago, her most successful collection of fairy tales, bears traces of the natural beauties of Ogulin, and the intangible heritage of its tales and legends.  
...More than sixty collaborators from different areas of expertise were involved in the various phases of developing Ivana's House of Fairy Tales. Their wide range of knowledge along with a variety of their individual talents and skills makeIvana's House of Fairy Tales a prime example of an interdisciplinary and multimedia team project! The project would surely not have been so successful without the highly motivated local inhabitants, who took an active part in the various activities and showed support for the idea of turning their hometown into a homeland of fairy tales.

We admit we are not very familiar with Ivana's fairy tales but it would seem more than just this Polish fairy tale writer's are represented at the center. We see both Grimm's and Andersen's tales represented in the illustrations as well as Japanese and Russian tales.

Although only a selection of the "porthole illustrations" showing transformation in fairy tales (the pen and ink drawings above) are available to view online (to see the others you need to visit the center), there's a description of the experience on the website and I'm including it here. (Note: I do not intend to breach any copyright but only to encourage people to visit and appreciate the project.)

The interactive and multimedia permanent exhibition is based on the principles of knowledge, creativity and the use of new technologies.  
The exhibition starts with the “Magic Forest”: a gateway into the world of Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić, a world where trees narrate episodes from Ivana's life and stories from her books, a place where clever heads and capable hands can put together a real fairy tale! 
The “Enchanted Castle Hallways” are the perfect place to “get busy with” exploring fairy tales: what are fairy tales, who writes, collects and narrates them, and what are they about – these are some of the things you can learn in the “Enchanted Hallways”, or catch a glimpse of out of the corner of your eye. 
A secret corner of the castle holds the “Magic Mirror”, which reveals the 'wondrous inner image' of all who look into it. But only those who listen carefully can get a 'monstrous' picture as a keepsake! 
The “Fireplace” is the “warm” corner of Ivana's House of Fairy Tales where you can listen to (and later attempt to recreate) fairy tales in the “Fairy-Tale Jukebox”. 
In the “Fairy-Tale Library”, visitors can find numerous books of fairy tales and about them. Special attention is given to collecting valuable first editions of fairy tales. Should you need help browsing through the Library, simply ask one of our very own Brownies – the educators of Ivana's House of Fairy Tales. 
The “Chamber of Mystery” is located in the centre of the “Enchanted Castle”. This is a multifunctional space where you can watch three educational animated films or play an interactive game. This is also the stage for theatrical productions, concerts and other events.
Doesn't it sound like a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, or better still, a great project to be part of? One of the wonderful benefits of present day technology is the collaborative possibilities as well as the multimedia and interactive options, providing new options for storytelling experiences and for preserving - and spreading the knowledge of - fairy tales.
Note: The center also has a wonderful project in progress: a database of fairy tales, which you can see the description of below. Clicking on the image will take you to it.

1 comment:

  1. I actually own a book of short stories with illustrations by Ivo Matić (or atleast I think so... they look *very* familiar... it's at my parent's house atm, so I can't check). They have that kind of ugly-cute quality that makes them not appaling, but alluring. I was In CRatia two years ago. Had I known about this museum, I would have surely gone... maybe next time :)
