
Friday, April 17, 2015

Fairy Tale Plot Machine

Something fun to start off the weekend for you, especially if you'd like a writing prompt. Do you like combining different fairy tale tropes, without ending up with the Red Riding Hood-meets-Goldilocks in the woods, scenario yet again? Direct from Cicada Magazine, meet the Fairy Tale Slot, er Plot Machine!

There's even a slot machine handle animation and spinning with sparkles, to encourage you to hold your breath and wish for just the right combination... so much fun!

Here are some jackpots I hit:
I wish I could embed it so you can try it straight away but the link HERE will take you straight there.

If you give it a go, why don't you share your jackpot sentences in the comments below? If you don't like what you were given, you can always play again. And again. And again... ;)

A note from Cicada Magazine for the on-the-go-tech people: (Tablet & smartphone pals: for a device-friendly version of the Fairy Tale Plot Machine, download the Cicada Magazine app at the Google Play or iTunes store.)


  1. Gah I wrote a comment that got deleted! IT was interesting that some of my fairy tale plots seemed to defy stereotypes-the powerful witch was harrassed by doves or talking frogs, etc. My favorite is, "a Princess who dances from dusk till dawn learns to speak the language of animals from a talking polar bear." If I had talent at writing fiction, what a great idea generator!

  2. Jennifer D. BushroeApril 18, 2015 at 2:46 PM

    Ah, this is so fun! I giggled when I got, "A lonely fisherman takes a bite of a mouse, a bird, and a sausage." :)
