
Friday, March 6, 2015

In Other News...

I never - EVER - seem to get to every story I'd like to post on, and that's from a reduced selection of stories I choose from for the week as well. There are also many "small" stories I can't quite expand into a post's worth too, so here's an attempt to point you in the direction of more news and extra fairy tale bits 'n' pieces, since this week is an extra busy one for me.
So, in other fairy tale news this week....

The Brothers Grimm movie (directed by Terry Gilliam) was added to the Netflix streaming options on March 1st, a few days ago. (More details here)
The Stinky Cheese Man puppet show (Paul Mesner Puppets of Kansas City) is playing around Oklahoma City in the middle of March. (details here)

What Disney princesses would have worn through the 20th and 21st centuries, ie. what they would have worn if they lived when their movie was made. (close-ups and details here)

Donald Haase on holiday in LA is being followed by fairy tales everywhere he goes. He took some pictures of costumes used in Cinderella "in the line of duty". We appreciate the sacrifice! Go to the AFS FB page to see the full collection properly. (The American Folklore Society Facebook page is supposed to be public but doesn't seem to be connecting - start HERE).

FTNH Note: It might just be me but all this Cinderella fuss really seems market and industry driven. It's all the advertising, all the stores with their merchandise.. Apart from a little ooh-ing and aah-ing about Cinderella's dresses and the collector dolls being released, it's not really buzzing around social media at all that I can see, even with subjects like Lily James' teeny waist or the trouble Disney had hiding Madden's, er, "codpiece" (Ken doll anyone?). There's certainly none of the speculation and excitement that Frozen incited, or even Into The Woods. It's certainly a media blitz and the stores are saturated with merchandise - from low end to high, but interest in the movie? Not really seeing a whole lot.

Also posted on the Facebook page, an amusing Frog Prince wine he found. Funny description (more info here) + extra points to Kuleto for using "grenoulline" on the back label (the restaurant rating is excellent! Though this write-up gives me pause to try it - at least on my dime):
Our fool's Bordeaux. We blend our most varietal barrels of Cabernet Sauvignon with Malbec, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and a few other varieties from the estate to make this multi-layered beauty. Not 'pretty' on first whiff, but it reveals its inner beauty with every sip.

Sea of Trees musical at University of Iowa explores the Suicide Forest in a dark fairy tale. (story here)
"Fairy control" to halt doors in Somerset woods (they're being overrun with teeny kitsch!) ""Fairy control" has had to be brought in at a woods in Somerset to curb the "profusion of elfin construction". "We've got little doors everywhere. We're not anti-fairies but it's in danger of getting out of control." " Story HERE.

Article: Ten Lesser Known Fairy Tales That Should Get More Love (The Enchanted Quill was new to me but those of you who read a lot of tales won't find too many unfamiliar - this is just an indication of different tales worth considering using that are likely to grab people's interest at this time.) (see article HERE)

Ellen Degeneres mashes up Cinderella and Fifty Shades of Grey (video - not TOO terrible, it is Ellen, after all.) (video at link)

Claire Keene (Tangled concept artist) has a new original fairy tale book coming out, Once Upon A Cloud. She's having a special launch party in Pasadena (Los Angeles) on March 14. You can see the event on Facebook HERE. "I'll be talking about how my work on Rapunzel's murals helped influence my first picture book, Once Upon A Cloud." It was available for purchase as of yesterday, March 3rd from Amazon. Bookstores should have it after the launch.

From the Australian Fairy Tale Society:
Our 2nd conference will be held on Sunday June 21st (Winter Solstice) and we are delighted to announce our Keynote Speaker is Sophie Masson, celebrated author of many fairy tale retellings and novels which explore the theme of transformation. Sophie’s latest novel Hunter’s Moon, inspired by Snow White, will be released in June. (see here for more information about Hunter's Moon)

Believe it or not there's more but this will have to do for today! 


  1. Your blog is so interesting and fun! I didn't know there was a Brothers Grimm movie! I'm going to look for that. I just read the audiobook version of Far Far Away, by McNeal. It was about the ghost of Jacob Grimm, visiting a boy and helping to save him from a present-day fairytale fate!

  2. So many links, so little time!! Thanks for these. Loved the fashion-related ones, of course :) And now I want to get me some Frog Prince wine!
