
Friday, January 9, 2015

Tomm Moore (Director "Song of the Sea") On the Importance of Retaining Folklore

The LA Times published their interview with Song of the Sea director, Tomm Moore today and while they are clearly very impressed with this artist and storyteller, a bonus was to hear Mr. Moore's perspective on the importance of folklore:
"We've (the Irish) become more consciously part of the Anglosphere, part of the English-speaking world," Moore said. "But what kind of a society do we want to have? There is something important in the folklore, in the stories that links people to their environment and where they're from that's worth remembering. You lose a lot more than just stories when you lose folklore."
NPR also did a brief but lovely review of the movie HERE, complete with movie soundbites, which is worth listening to. (I've tried a number of ways to embed it with zero luck, unfortunately. It's worth the extra click-through though.)

At least one of Cartoon Saloon's* upcoming projects (did I mention this Academy Award nominated team are Indie filmmakers?!) look like they will be delving back into folklore as well.

We are very happy about this!
Cartoon Saloon's next film will be about a little girl in Afghanistan and will be directed by Twomey; then Moore will tackle another Irish folklore tale, set during the time when Oliver Cromwell was ridding Ireland of wolves.
*Tomm Moore's independent studio, where both The Secret of Kells and Song of the Sea were made.

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