
Friday, April 25, 2014

William Butler Yeats, Briar Rose & Maleficent

From the new official Tumblr page, this is just fascinating. An extract from Yeat's famous "The Stolen Child" poem is posted, along with the above gentle gif. Here's the poem, under the heading "Magical World":

Magical World - Briar Rose

Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
with a faery, hand in hand,
for the world’s more full of
weeping than you can understand.

~William Butler Yeats
Now, I will never quite read that poem the same way again...

There's a lot to explore in the new Tumblr already, including things like this:
Magical World - Earth Tones
Heed the wild call of the faerie folk with rustic, animal-inspired accessories.
I'm really enjoying the layering of these reveals, showing the thought process behind the movie and behind the final impressions they wish you to have. It would appear the movie has more substance to it than first appears. *cheers*

Fairy tale bonus of the day:
Have you noticed who the writing credits for Maleficent are being credited to? Both The Grimm Brothers and Perrault are credited, along with a few others... It's pretty interesting.
If you go to the Maleficent IMDB page, you can click on each of the writers credited for more detail.

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