
Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Will You Be Able To Love Me?" (Yes Beast, I think we will.)

A few new random images have surfaced on the web in the last few weeks for Beauty & the Beast but today (time of writing, Friday January 3, 2014) the official  video for the theme song - WITH LOTS OF EXTRA B&tB FOOTAGE - was released to whet everyone's appetite.
The song, to be played during the credits, is titled 'Will You Be Able To Love Me?' and is sung by Yoann Fréget.

Take a look - and listen - to the loveliness. I also recommend clicking on the "large screen" icon so you can see it all a lot better:
I have to admit I haven't been completely won over by the Beast's look to-date but seeing more of the footage I think it may be easier to forgive the more-family-friendly-than-raw-beast approach (ie. nothing like Premiere Magazine's *fans self* photos!) and just enjoy it like a lovely, dreamy, storybook fairy tale.

The visuals really are gorgeous, with nods to Cocteau and even Disney (without being just a copy) and the song isn't bad either... not usually my style but it works just fine here, thank you very much!
-le sigh!-

Here are some screen grabs, just because...
The bad news? With just over a month to go till Gans' highly anticipated fairy tale adaptation is released in France (February 12) we still have no release dates for any English speaking countries. *screams into a pillow*
A (newly revived) distribution arm of Warner Bros has confirmed they will do just that but no comments on when - or how widely. *insert impatient-frowny face*
Source: IMDB (Which has the most complete release list I can find.)
If we don't see any US/UK/Aust release news by the time Valentine's Day rolls around I'm seriously considering starting a petition. This has to at least hit Art House theaters, right?



  1. Augh, it looks so wonderful! I can't bear it! Maybe it will be released in the UK by the time I visit next summer . . . I don't imagine it being released in the US before then, though. :(

  2. I can't believe I haven't found you before!!!!! We are fellow fairytale fans for sure! I am really in ABC's Once Upon A Time and write weekly recaps of the episodes. So excited to be following your blog. Happy New Year!

    A Silver Snapshot

  3. This just looks gorgeous. and yes, I'm really hoping for a English release, or even a release in the UK in French, I'll just have to watch it more than once to get all the subtitles and the beauty on screen. 9I'm hopeless at subtitles and really struggle with them.) Thanks for keeping me update on this film though.
    I'll sign that petition too!
