
Thursday, August 8, 2013

"The Fairest Of Them All" by Carolyn Turgeon

It's out! The Fairest Of Them All has been released!

It's a truly awesome twist on familiar fairy tales and is, in particular, a very unexpected-but-makes-perfect-sense dovetailing of the Rapunzel & Snow White stories...
What if Rapunzel, of the gorgeous lustrous locks, the incomparable beauty, ends up being the evil stepmother in the story of Snow White? (check the backstory HERE - fascinating stuff!)

I unfortunately missed release day with everything I have going on BUT, to show you how much I support this book and believe it a must-add to your fairy tale collection I'm going to do a little something different:
✒ ✒ ✒  ✒ (click the "Read more" link below this line) ✒ ✒ ✒ ✒ ✒ 

Check out the supplemental posts on Facebook today (Thursday) for teaser excerpts, starting at midday. I'll offer a few sentences at a time for you to "taste test" and I'll see how long it takes you to crave more...

I offer fair warning: you may find you cannot help yourself and must go grab a whole copy of the book to devour on your own! But be assured, you will not be required to promise your first born to do this and you will be satisfied in the end. ;)
There is one important thing you should know before you rush out to do so:
If you were planning on walking into a physical Barnes & Noble, purchasing one (and sneakily arranging any leftover copies so they're prominently on display like a boss) you may have to go for plan B.

Here's an excerpt from a little letter Carolyn sent last week, explaining why:

Because of an ongoing battle between Simon & Schuster and Barnes & NobleThe Fairest of Them All will not be in brick-and-mortar Barnes & Nobles—and this may have a devastating impact on the book’s success. To support me or my books, please consider doing any or all of the following to help:
·         Buy The Fairest of Them All for yourself and your friends
·         Buy it for your enemies as a long-overdue peace offering  
·         Proclaim your love for it as often as possible—in person and/or via Twitter/Facebook/your blog
·         Attend any of the events listed here and/or suggest them to your friends in those cities 
·         Write an online review for The Fairest of Them All on Amazon and/or Goodreads
·         Recommend it to any book reviewers/radio hosts/media types/movie stars you know
·         Recommend it to book clubs, friends in book clubs, or your own book club
·         Look for it at your local bookstore and request it if it’s not in stock
·         Tell friends that you will no longer love them if they don’t go buy it immediately
·         Read it conspicuously on buses while exclaiming loudly about its merits
·         Request that your local library add the book to its collection
·         Come up with awesome ideas for promoting The Fairest of Them All and email them to me
I will be eternally grateful to you, whatever you can do to help. Thank you!


Links for buying:

If you order a recycled-tree copy online and have to wait a day or two before you can satisfy the rest of your craving (argh!) there is some reading in various corners of the web where you can learn more about the story, hear more from Ms. Turgeon and her creative process in interviews, check out dream casts, guest blogs, reviews, playlists and much more. I suggest you start HERE and scroll down for the blog tour, which is building and having links added to it every day as well as HERE and HERE.

And here's a few words from the author yourself:

Enough already - go buy a copy and keep this amazing author writing fairy tales!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Cool! This sounds like a great read. I requested my library get it. :)

    I've always wanted to write a fairy tale that covered the maiden, mother, crone progression--looks like Ms. Turgeon beat me to it. :/

  3. This comment appeared in my blog email but not on the actual post, nor is it in the admin comments so I'm pasting it here (hope that's OK Jennifer!):

    Jennifer Bushroe has left a new comment on your post ""The Fairest Of Them All" by Carolyn Turgeon":

    Cool! This sounds like a great read. I requested my library get it. :)

    I've always wanted to write a fairy tale that covered the maiden, mother, crone progression--looks like Ms. Turgeon beat me to it. :/

    1. I think of The Snow Queen as covering that as well, what with the seasons and being such a powerful female-figures story. Looking forward to reading this one very much!

    2. Sure, that's fine--thanks for catching that!

      And good call on The Snow Queen; I didn't even think of making the parallel.
