
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Abigail Larson: A New Beauty & the Beast Project & More

Beauty & the Beast - a new project in progress by Abigail Larson
Dark fairy tale artist (& Poe fan) Abigail Larson is back to working on her Beauty & the Beast project, which includes writing a new story based on the tale as well. (Can't wait to see more on that!)
Older Beauty & the Beast piece by Abigail Larson - May 2010

[She used to go by MirrorCradle on deviantArt but has since become uber-famous and much loved and has admitted to her real name. ;)]

And there is more fantastic news which I, ahem, only just found out:

1) Ms. Larson is working with best-selling author Erin Morgenstern on "a promotional product" (details to come) for The Night Circus (which, if you have not read and love fairy tales, you really, really should.)

2) Ms. Larson is asking for fairy tale suggestions of what to draw next..! (I-will-not-'fangirl'-I-will-not-'fangirl'.. Oh what the heck: "Squee!!")

Here's the journal entry from her deviantArt page:
Greetings creeps!

I have two things I want to discuss with you:
The first thing is an announcement directed at the hundred or so of you who have been begging me to read "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern. Well, through a mutual connection completely unbeknownst to me, Erin was introduced to my work, and loves it! So we've begun collaborating on a promotional product for the novel. Which is super cool. So now, not only do I have a great excuse to read the novel, but I suspect you'll all be seeing artwork from me based on the novel.
The second thing is a question: Does anyone have a favorite Grimm fairytale you'd like to see me make? I've been asked to participate in a show this October, and I'm doing fairytale characters. I'm of course working on "Beauty and the Beast" and I've got "Sleeping Beauty," "Rapunzel," "The Seven Ravens," "The Glass Coffin," "Little Red Riding Hood," "Snow White and Rose Red," "The Little Mermaid" (which, yes, I do know is by Andersen, but, whatever), and "Cinderella" on my list, but those where the ones I thought of at the spur of the moment. I could flip through my own fairytale books, but I really want to know what you all want to see!
Thanks! And keep creeping!

Dark fairy tale & fantasy artist Abigail Larson
She is posting updates on all her adventures on her Facebook page HERE and her Tumblr HERE and, of course there's her deviantArt page HERE.

If you want to see more of Ms. Larson's beautiful work, including a lot of fairy tale pieces, (although, please note they're not all under the "fairy tale" folder in her deviantArt gallery) apart from checking the links above, to get a quick overview I made a Once Upon A Blog Pinterest "gallery" (surprise, surprise) of some of (ok, of many of!) my favorites.

You can see that HERE.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't know anything about her, I love her art! Thanks for posting this <3

    And I'm a big fan of The Night Circus so I'm looking forward for her project with Morgenstern *__*
