
Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Very Merry Fairy Tale Christmas To You All!

Don't you love this tale-tree? All that's missing is the star...

While I do love having a tree to decorate the season with, I'm imagining all the books above are fairy tale volumes - of course! - so I'm sure I could find a niche for a decoration like this... ;)

To all my friends and readers of all cultures, traditions and beliefs: may the best of the season be yours, with all the good things possible shown to us in fairy tales. May your own tales in the coming year reflect the triumph of goodness and love with happy beginnings, middles and endings too.

Merry Christmas!


  1. How precious! Isn't the "star" the Harry Potter book near the top? :P Thank you for your warm wishes. The Faeries wish the happiest of ever afters to you and yours. *^_^*

  2. @Renee of the Fae Thank you Renee! Many warm (and personal) wishes in return. :) Thank you for commenting every now and then. It's always encouraging to get your notes.
