
Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Hobbit Trailer & More

It's here...

And it's making people very excited.

There's more news for Tolkien fans too:

Apart from fun looking sets, what's exciting about Legos tackling Lord of the Rings is that there will be even more unique fantasy pieces and building options. The Harry Potter line opened up a huge range of possibilities and we've seen some nice fairy tale Lego creations since. I'm hoping that the combination of a new LOTR Lego line and all the fairy tale zeitgeist in the air will inspire people to get really creative with their bricks and delve into the world of fantasy and fairy tales.

Oh and the other cool thing about a hugely popular fantasy movie? Merchandise - lots of it! Makes for fantastic props for fairy tale cosplay, parties and general fairy tale feel around the house, especially if they produce versatile pieces that aren't all "branded" with the movie logo. I have a feeling Folk & Fairy will be very busy finding a LOT of fairy tale-ish awesomeness next year... ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love the Hobbit trailer, I can't wait for the film to come out. :-)

    As a young girl I was never interested in lego but with all the wonderful stuff they are producing now I might just have to get a set.
