
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Godzilla's (Xmas) Wishes

This image has been making the rounds on the web this month and with good reason. The image is very unique for the holidays. I mean, who equates Christmas with Godzilla?? But it got me thinking (consider yourself warned! lol) about the alternate views of characters in stories (OK, fairy tales) and how when you put yourself in the shoes of the "lesser" characters you end up with a very different - and often touching - story.

The Godzilla Haiku Tumblr blog is a good example of this. Reading through is not only amusing but touching. In fact, you find yourself starting to feel for the poor monster. Here are just a few examples:

 You can see more (lots more!) at the Godzilla Haiku blog HERE.

My favorite fairy tale retelling from a villains POV completely rocked my world when I read it the first time and made me think twice about a lot of things. It's The Magic Circle by Donna Jo Napoli; an amazing retelling of Hansel and Gretel from the witch's point of view (short review/synopsis at the link).

Ms. Napoli is a master at making me think differently about fairy tales I know well and have read many (many!) retellings of already. She is without doubt one of my favorite fairy tale writers and I wouldn't consider my library complete without her retellings, of which there are many. (Note: not all the books at the link are fairy tale retellings but MANY of them are.)

Another recommendation of fairy tales from villain POVs is Troll's Eye View by the incredible editing duo Terry Windling and Ellen Datlow. (You simply can't go wrong with any fairy tale collection these women put together!)

Many of you must be thinking this is one of the weirdest holiday posts you've ever read, let alone on a fairy tale blog. Why am I blogging about this the day before Christmas?

Many of you will be spending tonight and/or tomorrow with family - some of whom you love dearly and others who are, shall we say, "more of a challenge".  Family get-togethers are loaded with stress and are hotbeds for misunderstandings and drama. (Hence the plethora of crazy Christmas family dinner movies.) Christmas get-togethers are also prime settings for Christmas magic and have the potential to be some of the most special times you will remember for the rest of your life. It all depends on your approach to the occasion and how you handle the challenges that come your way. (Don't let your eyes glaze over yet - I have a point and it has everything to do with fairy tales!) Magic doesn't depend on the perfect setting, having the decorations all done or having the prefect meal and party. Fairy tales aren't filled with fairies and glitter and magical bling either (contrary to the public idea of fairy tales). Instead they're magical because there's an element of wonder that lifts the story above every day life, giving you a different perspective and making you pay attention to something important and, often, transformative.
Transformation by Rebecca Guay
 If it helps to view your mother-in-law as Godzilla in an apron, monitoring the oven obsessively or seeing your selfish brother who yells at people getting in front of the big screen as a lonely troll retreating under his safe-and-familiar bridge, then do it. You'll be able to better see your own blessings and maybe you might understand those monsters and help them transform back into the princes and princesses they could be.

 May your Christmas be magical in all the good ways and if it isn't, may the power of fairy tale transformation be yours to wield. Happy Holidays!


  1. Merry Christmas to you too.

    Rachel x

  2. @rachelsmith133 Thank you! Hope you have a great New Year too. :)
