
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Grimm and Other Folk Tales by Corey Godbey

Artist Corey Godbey recently had an exhibition of his work for a new book called "Grimm and Other Folk Tales".
Grimm and Other Folk Tales is a collection of several classic and lesser known fairy tales and folk stories, illustrated.
He also just went to Comic Con to show and sell some of his work there. If this is what they're like on the screen I can only imagine how gorgeous they are in real life!

You can see a whole lot more of his work, including more final and lots of working drawings for "Grimm and Other Folk Tales" at his BLOG.

This is a guy to watch!


  1. I agree! His work is a little gloomy, yet pretty and absorbing as well. Thanks for the post!

  2. These are so gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
