
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman Pinterest Challenge

Tomorrow (just a few hours away) is release day for Snow White and the Huntsman. It's a pretty big day for the fairy tale community and for those who love the Snow White tale in particular. Both Heidi at the SurLaLune Blog and at Megan at The Dark Forest blog have posted on why it's such a big deal so I won't repeat it all (just go read the wonderful posts) but suffice it to say: 
This is THE big fairy tale feature film of 2012 across the board.
(Pixar's Brave will be really big too but that's specifically aimed at families, this one is 'mainstream')
How the press and public react will have an effect on fairy tale things to come in the immediate future.
(And yes - we really, really hope it's good!)
In the meantime, for those like me who won't get a chance to be part of the theater-going/merchandise-buying hype you can still participate. If you're on Pinterest there's a competition which may just be up your alley (and it's free to enter!). The deadline is June 4 so there are a few days still left to enter. Here are the rules:
If you do enter, please leave a link to your board in the comments. We want to see your fairy tale inspirations!

hitRECorderly Issue #1: "Little Red Riding Hood Redux"

I can't say too much except that if you are interested in what artists in all fields today are doing with fairy tales AND if you're specifically interested in Red Riding Hood, go grab a copy of this new magazine/record-ly (category currently undefined) NOW - before the 2 000 copies sell out!

Here's a little promo video by Joseph Gordon-Levit, posted yesterday, which I suggest you watch all the way through despite it appearing quite rough at the outset. You'll understand why I'm keeping this post uber-short and hurrying to give you the opportunity to grab a copy for yourself.

Here's the official blurb:

Subscribe to the hitRECorderly here:
Look what I just got my hands on --- the very first issue of The hitRECorderly, our brand new subscription series!
"Little Red Riding Hood Redux" is our inaugural issue and I'm really proud of this gorgeous full-color book the hitRECord community and I have created together. I really love when the stuff we work on together becomes a physical record. 
This book we made is based on an adaptation I did of the original Brothers Grimm fairytale (which is sexist as all fuckin hell!) Our version's got a different take on the story and we've packed this book with feminist essays and various reactions to the new tale. 
I loved JulesKD's "But What If I Want To Be Eaten?" record so much I just had to do a little reading of it in this here video. :o) 
You gotta hurry and order your copy as these are a limited edition run of 2,000 so get it while the getting's good! 
Single copies are available in The RECord Store for $20, but you'll save cash by subscribing to The hitRECorderly and you'll get a new issue every season! 
You can subscribe here:

Thanks Again!
Go here and order: